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Ceiling - Rijksmuseum


The scan seems to lack the detail. I'll try to get a better scan now that I have my own film scanner. Shot in that tunnel by the Rijkmuseum. I never spell it right. In Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Shot from the ground up with a 28-105 usm lens at a small aperature and a vry long exposure. On print film.

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Very nice shot. I'm very familiar with Amsterdam and the Rijksmuseum, so I have a sense of this picture and its surroundings. First, I like the way you got the golden color to come out. Second, I like the way you isolated an otherwise ordinary part of the building, and only shot that part.


Mostly, though, I like the geometric effect of this shot. This is a pic that works best without following the "rule of thirds."


If you like this shot with Kodak Gold, try it again using either Supra 100 (which has a warm tone and more uniform rendition than Gold) or Fuji Provia 100F (which has the finest grain of any slide film--even better than Velvia.)


Nice shot!

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Lovely in its own way. If you get the opportunity

to do some more, you might try:


1)cropping the sides a bit to make it even more a

pattern study. As much as I like it, I find the small amount of columns a bit of a tease. So, you could:


2) show more of the columns - a vertical orientation, perhaps?


You might make a series. I was in this passage once when there were some street musicians playing a marimba. Anything like that around?

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there was a cute young woman on rollerblades. I'm pretty sure roller blades not inline skates. She had set of headphones and was roller dancing. I have this interesting slow sync shot of her. I kinda like it.



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I got a lot of good feedback from this and some of the best ratings

I've had on a photo. I just wanted to see if I could get more input

and ratings. This is one of my favorite photos and I want to see if

I can get some more feedback.


Shot from the ground up at an angle at f22 and a really long exposure

time in Amsterdam.

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First Rollerblades are in-line skates. As for the photo of the Rijksmuseum, although I do like the shot you did, I think that I would have prefered it off center. The arches appear too static for my taste.


I like the image of the in-line skater even better!

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