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© O'Gara Images

I See the World - Washington



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I See the World - Washington - Anybody's thoughts on the horizon.

Should I crop something off? It's near 50/50. I'd rather cut the bottom

off, but I'm hesitant to lose too much of the land.

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Usually I don't like the central horizon, but in this shot, with a perfect balance between two colors, I like it!! Wonderful tones, perfect moment for the shot.

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Like Andrea, I like the balance between the two distinct colors, and the 50:50 split is not a problem (it's not a rule, but rather a general guideline that seems to work in many but not all photographs; this is one of the exceptions, IMO).  Now if the moon weren't there, or if you wanted to forget the moon, then I'd suggest a crop right about where the moon is located.  That would avoid the 50:50 split, and it would include just the most intensely colored and most interesting part of the sky.

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Sean, Happy St. Patty's Day.  The green in this image could be a fitting tribute.   You have wonderful light in this image that really makes it pop. This is certainly a most successful creation.  My question is whether you bumped the saturation way up to the point where the image is beyond real?  The sharp difference in color between the sky and land defines the image.  You be the judge on whether it's a stitch "over the top."  Happy day.

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Thanks for the comments.  I could go either way on the crop, Stephen.  I like your suggestion of the crop of the moon giving the image a more 60/40 feel to it and allowing the best parts of the color image to shine through.  But I also like the moon in there.  I'll leave it for now and know I could go either way.  Larry, thanks for the critique and comment. I usually process for print, not web.  The places I have been printing to locally are a tad under-saturated compared to others I send out for, so I compensate by saturating it a little.  It's always bothered me that printers can print colors so different.  I used to de-saturate a tiny bit when I posted here, but lately I haven't been.  I guess I should start that again.  Thanks again for all the comments and critiques.  They always help a lot.

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Sean, I know the feeling about the moon:  whenever it's there, it's very difficult to not include it.  If I were in your shoes, I'd make two images out of this (one with the moon, the other without), and then depending on how I felt on a particular day I would have the images to choose from.  I've been in the same situation myself on more than one occasion.

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