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Wheeeeeee !!!


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Yes, for this colorful thing the desaturation works well. The background is blurred and looks like old b/w.

One thing bothers me: The wheeee is actually missing.

Everything is sharp, that's ok, but looks a little too static, I mean this is a rollercoaster! You might get better results if the kids with the flying hair are more present.

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I must admit a bias of mine against selective colorization and de-colorization. I've seen it work, but most of the time it just looks like a gimmick. I suspect that years from now people will see de-/colorization as a fad popularized by Photoshop and Ted Turner. Okay, now onto comments about your photo: the rail supports look like they are sitting on air, because the rear (grayscale) feet don't contrast much with the background.


I like your compositional choices a lot, especially the way the rails lead the viewer. Nice color and detail. It's difficult to make out a lot of detail of the kids' faces at this size, but it looks like you captured good expressions. I agree with Klaus that the caption doesnt fit the image, but the image is fine.

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I happen to like desaturation and colourization. In this case the colour seems to lift off the page due to it's stark contrast to the B&W background.


I agree that the "Weeeee!" just isn't there. Perhaps adding some blur, motion, radial or wind, from the fliters pallette. In any case I like your image. Keep up the good work.





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There's a nice symmetry to the composition, the way the track runs around the frame, but the real subject of a photo like this needs to be the kids. I keep trying to look at them and get a sense of their reaction to the ride, but they're too far away and too passive and they end up as a minor distraction from the face of the dragon, which is really the subject of this photo. The black and white background is an interesting touch. I suspect without it the subject would have been completely lost in a sea of background color. Sadly, I'm not sure this photo was worth the effort that must have gone into it. As I look at it some more, the black and white and the apparently sober attitude of the kids almost give it an ominous, foreboding feeling, but even that falls short.
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