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A Mother's Watch


Img_009_16_02_2006 (Dig Alt)

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It seems no matter what age our children become, and then of course

the grandchildren come along, while we are still not even feeling like all

that time could possibly have gone by, invisible responsibilities tug at

our hearts and occupy our minds. Our eyes are never far from the

window's glass, peering into the street to see if they are playing within

eyesight, or still peering into the street, wondering if they are arriving

safely after a long drive, especially in the snow. Minutes pass like

hours, the snowflakes softly fall, and we wait till we see the

headlights.....not till then will we truly know. Our 'Watch' is 24/7 whether

they are Home or Far Away.

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I always appreciate hearing from you, as I do admire your work so. Thankyou for your very meaningful and kind words of encouragement. I truly am grateful for your support, warmest regards, Gail

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Truly beautiful imagery and prose!  Only a mother that accepts the responsibility inherent in motherhood could create a treasure such as this.  You are truly a Special Mother!

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I think you must have had an extraordinary Mother, for you show in so many ways your appreciation of a 'Mother's Love'.  Thankyou for those very kind words, I wish I could be an even better Mom and just 'rescue my Shauna and the 2 grandchildren'. Laws and the need of money get in the way, and it should not be that way.  Thankyou Dave for your lovely words, most sincerely, Gail

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This is a nice work of art. I enjoy the layout, tones, colors, and how you've integrated photos into it.

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“Love may be the fairest gem which Society has filched from Nature; but what is motherhood save Nature in her most gladsome mood? A smile has dried my tears.”  -  Balzac.


“Don't poets know it
Better than others
God can't be always everywhere; and so,
Invented Mothers”  -  Sir Edward Arnold


“Mother's arms are made of tenderness,
And sweet sleep blesses the child who lies therein”  -  Victor Hugo


Years ago – I lost my mother. Her eyes are really far from the window’s glass…..

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Impressive, impressive and so effective capture and artwork. Anything arised from heart, eventually settle on heart ( a persian proverb, if i could translate it appropriately by my poor english ). Very well executed and developed. Bravo.


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........ "the picture tells the story and the story sells the picture" - well done.

You have put so much work into this image, work that has come from the heart..... done with love.

As a single Dad, I can relate to this 100%.

I'm sold on this image........ thank you for sharing.

Best regards

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A Photographic Inventer, this is what I feel one day you are going to be called so for all of these unique images you invent and entertain your viewers with, I am sure the visitors to such image do spend a great deal of time to work out the contents and how you manage  to create all of this, as usual my friend your creations never have and end and always updated with new ideas and superb skill.

Thank you my friend for sharing this wonderful image and wishing you all of the best. 

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Beautiful work.This picture has a special feelings which can't be described in words but can be felt...like a mother's love & affection.Thanks for sharing it.Max.

My best regards.


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Thankyou for quoting those lovely passages.  They shall go in my Journal. Although your lost your Mother many years ago, and her eyes seem far from the window's glass, I am sure just by how dearly you think of Mothers, that she is tucked away, safely in that most special part of your heart. Perhaps her eyes may be far from the glass but I am sure her heart still beats in unison with yours, her dear child.....we never forget slipping our wee hand in the warm and protective one of our 'Mother's', no matter how much older we become. It was always a 'safe' place for me to be.  Thankyou so much for sharing your thoughts with me Sumon, bless you, Gail

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What a lovely Proverb.  Just enough words for me to understand the 'feeling' and 'wisdom' in your Proverb.  Sometimes even though there are language differences, it does not take many words to 'cross that barrier', expecially when it is a subject dear to most hearts.  Thankyou Hamid, I shall jot those words down, such a joy to hear what other's think, and learn from their cultures.  Kindest regards, GAil

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You've had a dual role in life, and although at times it must have been a bit overwhelming, I can't help but think the experience might have been twice as enriching. You have a kind soul and it speaks through your photos and the words you share.  This was no 'accident'. A careful plan made you the 'caregiver' you were and are.  All your thoughts and decisions must have been more 'weighty', especially the very important ones. Thankyou for sharing a bit about your experiences in life, it says so much about the sensitive man I've thought you are all along.  Kind regards, Gail

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So very  glad to hear from you....the building and window were from a 'gift store' in Puerto Rico. I've had the shot since 2006 and never really was able to edit it the way I wanted, many reflections in the window.  I was thinking about my Son and Daughter the other day and the grandchildren, concern in my heart for their safety, brought about this composition. I often wonder if I am unable to contact them directly at times, if I do a composition and fill it with my love and concern, perhaps they will know I am there 'with them'.  Thankyou Rashed for those lovely words.....truly appreciate your sharing, Gail

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I always love hearing when 'one' truly loves and shares their feelings about the importance of 'Mother Love'. It makes me feel you were  loved and that bond once made is never forgotten.  Thankyou for your visit and sharing of your thoughts with me Kallol.  Sincere regards, Gail

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Gail, sublime concept presented in your own inimitable way. It is true that a Mother's love can not be compared. But I feel that fathers also feel the same way, you have written in the prologue.

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You are right, I love when I see a Father who is so involved with his children, so obviously filled with pride and love, they are his 'life', and reason for working as hard as he does, of course I  tend to speak a lot from my own Perspective.  Thank you for those kind remarks, Gail

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Everything was said   already I will add that it is a very nice composition and poetic  work. Mother and father are important for a family harmony ( most of the time....;-))

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