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ABSTRACT Canon Digital Rebel T1i

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I often wonder what it is like to live in a country you love, the place of your birth, family, friends, and you see it being torn apart and senseless destruction occurs on a regular basis. It must be heartbreaking.  It is like building a 'Castle' in the sand, only to have the 'surf' daily wash it away. I am so glad there are wonderful people like you that live there, who still have that 'hope' in their hearts. 

We are not without our 'faults' here in Canada.  Violence on the streets escalates every day.  The nightly news speaks of shootings and murders, when a few years ago, these were things spoken of 'sporatically'.  Our many young people (not all) are growing up with no sense of purpose, lacking in the skills of heart and soul, that would otherwise guide them in the right direction as they waunder off, seeking a FUTURE. I would not want to be a young mother today. But we must cling to what we have that is GOOD, and FINE, and TRUE, and not let the VALUES we cling to, escape our grasp.  The coming years will test us all I am sure. I will pray for you and your country, and may it one day be the 'happy' place you have longed for.  Thankyou Hamid for 'referencing' your photo, I especially liked that one, it's shape very symbolic.  My appreciation for sharing your thoughts with me. Kindly, Gail

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Many thanks for your visit, and those wise words, our futures will come back to 'bite' us, if we are not careful.  We must leave some semblence of decency and good for our children and grandchildren.  It shouldn't be as difficult as it seems. My apppreciaiton for your visit and sharing your thoughts. Kind regards, Gail

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As long as there are those who believe in these values, I will not give up hope. But I am sure there are those who find it hard to hang onto hope, and  may become discouraged. Lets hope it does not happen often, most sincerely, GAil

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Your opening comment alone made me shiver...maybe because of the truth in the lines. It's really hard to imagine for a world so beautiful and so ever giving and yet mankind has corrupted and destroyed everything it can...really sad.

Your work is a reminder that nothing is permanent, and somehow, someway, sometime...?

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Yes, I pray that sometime that there will be Peace in our world, that children will not be preyed upon, or go to bed hungry, that the elderly will see 'self respect' and never go 'unloved' as they age, that 'wives' will not suffer under the hand of men who 'are not well, and show such undeserved disgust' at their existance, that a man can have a job, and feel pride in himself that he is supporting his family, that parents will teach their children not to be bullies, and we do not have to fear for our young ones in the schoolyard, that 'prejudices' that we thought we 'long gone' but still exist, will truly disappear, and the 'reality' that we all 'bleed the same color' will finally sink in.

There truly is so much good in this world, that I do not like to emphasize the opposite, but mankind as a whole,  will one day pay for his hasty disregard of our planet and those who inhabit it. Although I personally believe in a better day, at the end of my days, I have seen and suffered enough 'horror' in my lifetime that it alone makes me 'feel' for those whose days are not met with a 'smile' at each new dawn. 'A big WAKEUP CALL' is knocking at our door, I wonder how many will choose to LISTEN ???? Thankyou roger for your wise and profound words, and for taking the time to comment. Kindest regards, Gail

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Gail, an amazingly creative & symbolic  work, burning with what is rotten in human nature, to usher in a new better world. I admire your empathy for others, original & creative concepts and renditions.

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A very strong message in this fantastic image my friend. One person at a time the world is awakening to love and respect to others. Prove is here in PN where individuals like you and Birte are always bringing awareness to the subject of peace and gentelness!!   Warm regards.

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Thankyou Amal for that very kind and underdstanding critique.  I think I have a good understanding of your heart, and this is a fitting response.  I always enjoy hearing what you think about my images, for you too, have a great empathy for others.  My sincere thanks, Gail

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What a treat to hear from you, and thankyou for that very kind response to this image.  You have a big heart also and you care very much about your fellow man.  I hope things are going well for your and your family....as I said, great to hear from you jorge.  Sincere regards, Gail

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Another abstract beauty comprising a well balanced compo of distinguishable image elements - wonderful colors, contrasts of shapes and lights as well as of abstract textures. Thanks for your thoughts why you have created it and sharing.

Bw, Volker

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Thankyou so much for those best wishes and very encouraging comments, always good to hear from you but especially good when you've explained so well just 'why' you liked this image.  My kindest regards to you Volker and I hope you have a very pleasant and peaceful week.  Most sincerely,Gail

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Your post processing work is very impressive my friend and so well organized, your choice the contents so are fully to form one remarkable subject and with very powerful attractions, this is another superb example here and so well presented.

Thank you my friend for sharing it and wishing you all of the best.

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So good to hear from you, and I see that you are planning another trip, my goodness, I don't know how you do it, but you are young and free and able to come and go, enjoy while you can and keep bringing us those wonderful photos.  I'm glad to hear you appreciated this image Rashed and I do wish you safe travels as you go, so sincerely, Gail

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