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le coin de la rue


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That's an interesting image. I like the three shadows on the right, the post , the building & the man. The colored doors really stand out against the rest of the landscape. The topless building,  This is interesting to say the least.

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Philippe, un jeu de mots pour le titre..?! Moi, j'aime l'image totalement, mais quand vous voulez: specialement l'ombre diagonal de ce garcon et mât. Ca, avec le coin a donnée le prochain alternative, oui seulement un possible.. alternative. :) 

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I do not agree with Olaf's cropping suggestion. The picture composition is good as it is.

The strong colours of the doors are just beautiful and I also like the figure (the kid?) and the pole in the picture.

I am a bit disturbed by the large shadow on the left, but I guess that there isn't much to to about it.


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Interesting and disturbing image of urban  desolation. Great lines (the shadow of the man in line with the shadow of the post, the diagonal of colors)  A tighter crop, as suggested, would be more graphic, but would lose some of the atmosphere. I would just crop a bit on the top, just above the windows, for a more elongated format.

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Thanks for your comments on this pictures. I have some other shots of this place, mostly from my Iphone that I will post soon.

I have the same wondering about the big shadow on the left, but in the end I think that it gives the feeling of the sunny light on the rest of the picture.

Olaf, thanks for your suggestion (and for yur french!). I prefer me wider framing, that gives more the feeling of the town.

Shot in Assa, south of Morocco, in the sahraoui country, 400 km south east from Agadir. I spent one week working there, and this folder is dedicated to this experience.

Friendly yours,


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supposing you were native French speaking, I did write in "French" to prefer the complete image myself. Your, by me supposed.., being facinated by literally The coin + accented shadow, did give birth to the weaker crop suggestion. :) 

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