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As for John Peri, while there are spontaneous elements in his photographs, there's an awful lot that's set up (fake, as you call it, Niki -- and, by the way, I see nothing at all wrong with "fake" if it's done well). I mean, how many women naked except for a fur coat do you find walking on the NY CITY streets? How many women would you normally find lounging on their home's staircases with just a wine glass and pair of high heels? No, a lot of great photography has nothing to do with reality and is made up. Artists fabricate. Most great art is in the combination between what's set up and what's spontaneous.

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I give examples but I do not refer to a specific person, the weakness could be felt by the person himself.
I remain saying the Elves doing a great job for me and I do not talk about others, thats not my right.
I did not jump on my friend niki, I did not make this statement “ what in the world does John Peri have to do with this?”, you can see who is posting the hard sentences!!
Yes Indeed, many are not happy here with any POW been posed, they are not happy with any one else work except theirs, at a time where Theirs, is less than even been a snap shots. ( they are so angry even with themselves ).

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Rashed, Niki has made what I consider controversial statements about "fake" and "studio" photography. I'm challenging her directly and at least having the guts to do it to her directly, rather than making veiled generalities about those who disagree with me. Niki seems to prefer spontaneous street work to what Bozena is trying to do, which is NOT street photography. So this photograph isn't falling short of being good street work because it's not spontaneous. It's not TRYING to be spontaneous street work. Which may very well be why the elves chose it, because it doesn't fit neatly into a category we're that used to seeing. Niki, the elves choose photos that will incite discussion, not that are the best or that they think are top in their genres.

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I am sorry, I do understand my English is so bad, I did read the statements in out of the world English, statements which entirely changed the name of the POW into _ BNOW.
I do respect the admin who came back and said Sorry, that was a garage out of him and I understand that when the image been made POW it is not nice to remove it.
I think this statement (BNOW ) would hurt more than it would help.
I am sorry if my English improvement is too slow but for sure photo.net helping me to improve.

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Since I came up with BNOW I will explain that it was not in any way critical of Bozena or her photography. It simply had to do with the fact that her work, and then admittedly by mistake, was posted as two consecutive POW's. I assumed there must have been a glitch and my comment was really directed at the selection of a photographer being repeated sequentially and not the image or the actual photographer personally. I also wasn't recommending that the image be pulled down, however, as happened in the week of November 15, 2010, an image was posted as the POW on Monday and then another on Tuesday--there was no explanation of that at the time, however, I felt it might be a good thing to repeat in this case. My apologies if that wasn't clear or if it was misunderstood and hope I have clarified it here. I also hope that Bozena understands the nature of my comment as not being personal to her in any way but directed at the process.

The point really is not that there can't be something to discuss regarding any photograph, it had more to do with the value of discussing images created by the same person, in the same genre and mode of execution, so close together--for us or for her really.

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It is interesting how a discussion seem to have erupted over the 'staging' aspect of such a photograph. I find this image rather haunting and do not question its authenticity. If it is staged, so be it. Could it be better technically? Yes of course, is is possible that some of the Cartier-Bresson compositions could be bettered. Even great photographers don't get it right all the time. However, that or the staging does not detract from the themes of displacement and wanderings. That in itself makes it stand out in my opinion.

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This is one of those rare photographs that carries both a strong emotional impact and excellent artistic elements. It is clear that mother and daughter are not on a trip to the Laundromat. Their location by the railroad tells me of the way they are traveling and their clothing and facial expression something about their plight. A great people photograph!

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While some may find problems,  the image has total, immediate impact and the impact is lasting.  Not much else matters, really.  Well Done!!!

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... "the road not taken", it can be described as a journey to the freedom...the tough desicion whether to choose the path or not is yet to be made. The agony is reflecting on the face. The covered face gives more description of the left behind life. The little girl face is full of anxiety of the life ahead.

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I love the composition and the atmosphere provided by the background. While it doesn't bother me whether or not this is staged, the posture of both (particularly the adult) look a bit stiff and incongruous for the scene. If the photograph hadn't drawn me in enough in the first place, I wouldn't have paid enough attention to notice.

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I have to say, this looks more like a still from a movie than a photograph. It doesn't evoke much emotion in me because it lacks that authenticity.

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I like this photograph. When I first looked at it I could readily put it in context and identify with it. The story looks something like this to me: Two people that are used to being "haves" are now the "have nots." Maybe the husband died and left them penniless, hence the good clothes, and they aren't used to wandering. The little girl doesn't understand it and doesn't like it and is sulking, not at the camera but not looking at her mother. The mother is trying to get her to keep going but is having a hard time of it. The train tracks say that they have a ways to go before they can rest.

I think it's well posed and I like very much the expression on the little girl's face. I would like to see the bundle the woman is holding not so overexposed. That's a distraction in an otherwise fine photograph. A darker bundle would have been better.

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I'm not happy about the name, even though I realise that it is one of a series. The woman in this narrative is not wandering; she is purpose driven.  The child looks as if she is weary and wants to go no further. The woman says that they must.

To me, this picture is the story of refugees the world over. They are going someplace to escape something. In this case, their apparently isolated flight might mean that they are fleeing an abusive family situation. One thing that indicates the posed nature of the shot is the shiny shoes. 

But then again, given the shiny shoes, perhaps the simple explanation is that they are making a visit to an elderly relation whom the little girl absolutely despises. What she is actually saying is "I don't want to go! I hate Great-Aunt Ermentrude! She always says I look sullen! I don't care if I never see her again as long as I live!"

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Dear Christine, that bundle we call it here Bokshah, on the old days the women used to carry their things in it, it is not like the fancy expensive hand bags of todays.
Yes I agree with you, as long as this beautiful image been planned in advance, the bundle should have been in a darker color to avoid ending with such contrast as it is now.
Never the less, when some one draw the destination of his image and the way he/she need it how to look like, it means there is a lot of work behind all that, and not just point and shoot.
That why Bożena got my respect for her work.

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Wish it wasn't staged...but then a movie is entirley staged but may feel authentic.
I would prefer if the subjects had been standing in the left with the 'mother' at the far left and facing to the right. Better compositionally I think.

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Leaving aside the fact that it is not photojournalism - nor is Schindler's List - I find the picture very poignant. The only critical comment I would make is that I think the viewer is to close too the subjects, almost to the point of being participants. More spatial separation would be preferable, in my opinion.
Thank you for the image. It does what good photographs should do - captivate, provoke reaction, elicit feelings.

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As this is a posed photo - As was mentioned before the bag is "too" white and the adult should be slightly bent over. These two items would be in keeping with the "feel" of the photo.

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I've been a lurker here for well over a year.


Just wanted to say that I had to register so that I could comment on this photo.


The composure, DOF, wardrobe & prop are flawless.





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the dark left edge is a bit distracting, and could be removed in editing software if one were so inclined. Otherwise, very nice vision and lighting.

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An impressive image! If this shot is modelled, the girl and woman deserve to be congratulated for their skill. The the exposure in relation to the light on the shoe and the bag, maybe a tad too much, and only correctable by selecting just these items and either reducing the exposure by 1 or 2 stops, or the contrast. Having said that, I really am nit-picking! I feel in all photographs, compromises invariably have to be drawn between attaining technical excellence and maintaining the atmosphere which best suits the photograph. Here, I think you have really 'Nailed' the balance of both these things. Regarding the title, the more vague, the better, and leave the viewer to formulate their own. 

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Dear Bozena, your image makes me cry and feel deeply for people that are poor, hungry and very cold! Being Cuban and having lived throught the terror of parents being horrified for their lifes and security of children taken away by the government, I can re-lived pain and suffering obseving this image. I have seen it for a few days and I say I do not want to look at it closely it is too painful! However I never let go an opportunity to continue having closure on and on going issue! This wonderful image is a social statement with a fantastic message! CONGRATULATIONS!!!

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