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Dufferin County Farm


Long time since I used 35mm Tri-x. My preferred colour film unavailable at my local outlet but overcast winter scenes are mostly monochrome anyway so I thought, 'what the hey'. Tri-x film @ ISO 400. Incident meter reading said 1\250 @ f11. Hand held. Was looking for some winter landscapes. Thought this qualified. Best, LM.

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Thanks for your views.  It was indeed a quiet day in a usually quiet location except for the grousing of two photographers complaining that their fingers were cold.  I thank the people who constructed the fence for it's strong bold look.  Originally constructed to contain horses it has a side benefit for photographers.  Best, LM.

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Len, as a late commenter, I thank you for lightening up my monitor for more than two weeks...

I have made walks by the fences... I have touched your horses without disturbing their peacefulness. And I have spent a few hours at the little house above left, by the stove...

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I'm happy you found so many elements of interest here. It was indeed an inviting scene & nothing you've described could be considered unattainable.  The fence was certainly approachable as would have been the horses had I stood around long enough near the fence, coaxing them with an apple perhaps.  The house had a stove?  Damn!  I didn't know that & stood there, freezing.  Could have done with a cup of coffee or hot chocolate about that time.  :-)  Thanks for your input.  Best, LM.

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Sorry, for the late acknowledgment.  Don't know how you slipped through unnoticed.   Yah, Simple usually works best & scenes like this, while somewhat rare, are there for the taking if you are inclined to stop the car for them.  This one was certainly worth it for me.  Best, LM.

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Great shot. Just wondering if would have been possible to avoid the  photographic break in the fence at the far right and still keep the two buildings. Would putting the camera into portrait orientation and taking 4 or 5 overlapping images if that would have done the trick. All the best,

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Yes, there were more buildings to the immediate right.  Had to make a compositional decision somewhere.  Your multi frame suggestion would have worked also.  I'm including another view for your consideration since you've expressed an interest there.  Always nice to hear your views.  Best, LM.

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Len - I love this shot. I love the leading lines and the soft winterscape here. Thank yoou so much for taking the time to comment on my image of mom and baby :) I have to ask though. Where does your family originate from? My great grandmother was a Marriott.

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I think the elements you mention are what drew me to this scene in the first place.  Thanks for taking the time.  Check your personal messages.  Best, LM.

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Nice composition with such a clean and simple work.  Excellent line of the fence.  Best Regards,

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Thanks for digging through my portfolio to get to this one, a favourite of mine too for the qualities you stated.  Best, LM.

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