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They are in very good focus. Their skin tones are good. It is nice that you caught them all looking at the camera. You have no reflection in the girl's glasses - good job. There are a few things I am going to comment on for your consideration.

The stark white background seems a little bright. It draws my attention away from your subjects. I think a light gray or a color might work better for this portrait.

The composition is quite good, but I wouldn't want the little girl to cover her mother's face as much. It appears the little girl's hair in going in her mother's mouth? You do not want to crop the boy's foot off. It would be better if you pulled his pant leg down so that his sock wasn't showing. The man could use a tad more headroom and you don't want that little bit of the mother's hand showing in the lower right corner. You could crop a smidgen off the right side. The compositional balance is just a little left heavy. The girl's hands look a little awkward. It might be best to have her arms down so that her hands are not in the picture.

I would take enough pictures so that I could choose one where the mother's mouth was closed and the kids expressions were good. The man looks OK. Try not to have the girl's glasses cut into her eye. You want to have all the colored part of her eyes showing.

It appears you have used your camera's flash as your main light. This will give you those tiny pointy looking little catch lights in the middle of her eyes. The ideal position for catch lights is close to the 10 or 2 o'clock position on her irises. To achieve this your main light should be above, in front and to the side of your subject. The camera’s flash will also give you very flat lighting. Judicious use of shadows can make your photograph much more interesting and create a nice illusion of depth within your photograph.

It also appears that your camera angle is somewhat low. We are looking up at the man. Notice that the shadow from the lady's head is under the man's chin.

The woman and girl are foreshortened. They appear larger than normal -- compared to the man and boy. You need to keep all of them as close to the same distance away from the camera as possible. You may need to use a longer lens so that you are not so close to them. This will help reduce any foreshortening. 

The striped shirt on the girl is not too much of a problem because it is so dark. The striped shirt on the boy is a problem. Any lettering, drawings, pictures, symbols, bright colors, stripes or bold patterns on clothing or in the background with draw the viewer's attention away from your subject. In a portrait the subjects' faces are what are most important and nothing should draw the viewer’s attention away from their faces.

Nice shot,


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