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Magic of morning rays


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I cannot add much to what has been said already, this is a fantastic image. I like the perspective, and the even/diffused light here.  You did a fantastic job at capturing this image.  Excellent work - michel

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Hi dear Sumon,

At the first sight,the colour tones are very eye-catching and the rocks are very amazing to view.I imagine this wonderful road and the delicateness of this huge creation and so enthusiast for visit this great place...Wonderful details and very good title,also.I`m eager to visit it once.

Best regards(Bobby).

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I'd also like to know if this is a natural landscape or 'art' made of a composite of several images. I like it either way - just curious :)

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Thanks my friends for your appreciating comments and strong support.



This is a natural landscape and not an imaginary artwork. But this is not a single shot. You may name it as a manually made HDR photo. Three different exposures are combined manually in the post-processing. The three exposures were made just one after another and from almost the same pov. This has to be done for bringing clarity to all the elements of the composition. Thanks a lot for appreciating the image.

Best regards.

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Thanks for explaining - I was just interested and manually merging bracketted exposures is definitely a useful technique at times.

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Beautiful shot.Awesome reflection of sunlight on water.The warm tone on water is just superb.Best ratings.

My best regards.


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Great work sir, Its not only the magic of morning rays. its the magis of your work. its a superb image with great details.

regards sima.

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