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Kanehoe Fish Pond


Taken in Kanehoe, (the Eastside of Oahu). I parked on the road, climbed over a a fence and upon some kind of post to catch this view. I never really cared for the sprig up top left, but editing it out only made it worse. Kept this in the barn (so to speak) for well over a year. Was surprised that it sells as well as it does. Your opinions are always welcome and appreciated. www.hawaiianphotos.net

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You could sell this image with a CD of Hawaiian

music. It typifies how I remember the island.

The sprig top left is needed, I think, otherwise the image is a little weak on that side.

The shadowed foreground gives the image depth.

I like this image as much, perhaps even more, when the base is cropped off to just in front of the line of palms. I'd leave some foreground grass and clone out what would be visible of the small plant in the center.The crop would leave the base of the small palm on the left and include a small amount of shadow on the right. Interestingly in this crop the branch top left becomes a stronger part of the composition.

Maybe you don't agree, but I think it would be worth 7/7 that way.


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Great colour saturation, good composition. It is difficult to get all the elements just rihgt in a landscape. Sometimes it is overcast and gray, sometimes the sun creates too much contarast so you have burned out areas. This is a good mix of all elements.
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I really like the depth and complexity of this photo. I find that it is a departure from most of your work in that it is more pastoral and I think its another great addition to your portfolio.
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Very well composed for standing on one leg on a post with a pineapple drink in the other hand ! ........................ sol


I like the level of saturation you've choosen here and the depth created by the position of the elements ............... keep all the limbs ................ they're fine .............. even the shadow on the ground lends to this tunnel vision effect .............................. Good job Yankee ............................ (-;

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I appologize ....................... I believe you are from Virginia ...................... along with some guy named Lee ....................... (-;
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Lee was a loser, just like I was a loser on your latest "guess who" image.....remember Ken?? ....hehe


I guess the sprig stays, the shadows stay and the image stays. It does sell well....I would have never guessed it. Who knows anymore! Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Aloha.

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Somehow I've been hanging around here for a while now without seeing your folder (guess I've had my head in the sand or somewhere). This image is a great addition, I would hate to see the sprig at the upper left go. Actually I wouldn't mind if it were a little bigger.
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Beautiful Hawaiian landscape. Mist in background as well as shadows in foreground create nice 3D effect. Colors are nice as usual...and the clouds, what I especially like in your images, plus great blue sky and its reflection in the ocean...surprisingly, nobody complaining about colors so far...hopefully, they are realizing, that tastes are different.
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IMO the Elves of photo.net should write a script that automatically gives 7/7 and a random compliment whenever a new addition from Vicent arrives.

His portfolio is like a postcard stand stuffed with magnificent shots. And he did it once again.

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the landscape is wonderful, but the unreal ultra-saturated colors almost hurt my eyes... arghhh!! Sorry, I had to say it... :-) But obviously is a matter of personal taste...
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and a master landscape photographer result in thos incredibly beautiful postcards (sid with all due respect to postcards and without the smallest pejorative innuendo as the term postcard has been given).

Long life to such beautiful photographs!

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Guest Guest


Very beautiful, as usual for your photo Vincent.

Your colours are always wonderful.



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Great photo I can get that branch in the top left corner out of there in a high res or in a low res photo.net file if you like, you wouldn't ever know it was there. It does not really bother me either but the one on the right looks so nice and the small (sprig) may attract attention where you don't want it. On the other hand you said this photo sells so maybe you shouldn't to change a thing. (Sells something my photo's aren't doing)
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Guest Guest


Vince , today is April 2something and we again have 35 degreez here. Geez
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I really like this one, you've done a good work here. I think this motive couldn't be caught better than this, the trees at both of the top corners really do the works for this one, well done Vincent!
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I have a problem with the top left corner's branches and the little tree in front, in the middle. If there was an angle possible to keep the top right branches within the frame while leaving the small centralized tree in front out of the frame, I'd have tried to look for that. Colors are nice, maybe just 5 or 10 points too saturated for my taste, but okay. Regards.
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