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© ©Marsel van Oosten | www.squiver.com

Lion Charge



© ©Marsel van Oosten | www.squiver.com

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"Stephen, I am not sure it would matter how it was captured, at least to me. I am not saying that this is a key factor, but I do think one must consider how many folks would risk $4-6000 of equipment to get a shot like this. In fact, I knew a guy back in Oregon known for getting rare shots. He would set up several cameras, strobes and trip sensors in the forests and sometimes come back to find his equipment gone."
Ah, now I know where those anonymous 3/3s come from. There is a colony of apes and coyotes with highly expensive cameras but have not evolved enough to appreciate that it takes more than expensive equipment to produce great images.

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Marsel ... holy cow! I have tried several times to get wildlife shots, but this ... incredible skill and knowledge of your subject/

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This is an excellent photograph. A wildlife photographer will use any and every trick he or she can think of, spend thousands of hours in the field and tens of thousands of $ on equipment, and will still have to rely on chance to get the 'perfect' shot. Except it's not 'chance' in the same way as winning the lottery, it's skillful means of playing the odds so that more often than not, the 'miracle' happens when you happen to have a camera pointing at the right spot. Unless said wildlife photographer has the ability to do Jedi mind tricks on animals a la Crocodile Dundee. So in reality, it's the exact opposite of chance.

A critique? It would have been nice if the sun were a little lower in the sky, but I know the sun sets there in a matter of minutes. Failing that, I think with that shot I would spend the time in 'shop to create a more atmospheric (or dramatic) lighting. Of course I might not like the result, it might end up being overkill.

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When I first saw this image I thought someone must have found your camera along side your remains. After reading your technique, I am happy to know you are still alive! This is one of the most amazing photos I've ever seen. I'm glad that you didn't post it larger. I'd probably have peed myself.

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OH, YEAH! Thank you! This is definitely one of my favorites. First thought: INCREDIBLE! Second thought: Hope he was using a telephoto lens. Third thought: This would be the photo to accompany the phrase, "SHUT THE **** UP!" to an obnoxious person in a chat room, Facebook, etc.

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I just recently saw this photo in a magazine I had just purchased and knew it was your right away.  Magnificent image of such a magnificent creature. warmest regards, GAil

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Very, very nice! I like that wide angle impact with such stunning subject matter.

 I'd embellish the story though, you know, out in the wilds on foot with a whip in one hand, and a camera in the other,,, :)

Just superb!


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The originality is in the wide angle lens and the low position (and the photographer's courage).

MGM kitten-like lion, take note.

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You certainly have the result here but i question the method. The drama of wide angle is not seen, rather see a tele with background doffed out. Sorry but sitting safe in a car really loses the essence of the portrayal here.... 

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Paul,  Would you have gotten out of the car to take this shot. ? , Probably not, Would you have known if he didn't tell you the secret. ? probably not...    I think he has an award shot, and you proably not...  Either way, the method does not matter if you have a result. 

Fantastic Shot Marsel !!!!!!! 

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