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© ©Marsel van Oosten | www.squiver.com

Lion Charge



© ©Marsel van Oosten | www.squiver.com

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I have been traveling in the desert of Northern Africa for the pastweeks with no internet access, so I found out about this rather late:my charging lion picture was commended in the 2010 TravelPhotographer of the Year Awards.

As with most wildlife shots, there was quite a bit of luck involved toget this shot - after all, with wild animals you never know what'sgoing to happen. Most wildlife photographers use long tele lenses tophotograph potentially dangerous animals, and that is probably a wisething to do. However, wide angle shots are often more dynamic, more inyour face, so that's what I wanted to try in South Africa with lions.I used a radio controlled remote and shot from a handheld monopod,turned upside down, without getting out of the car. It's my secret(well, not anymore) technique to get low level perspective shots withwide angle lenses, while remaining flexible and without running therisk of getting eaten. This male lion did not appreciate the clickscoming from the grass very much, and decided to charge the D3. I guesshe was more the Canon type. :-)

Greetings from the Sahara.

[if you would like to join me on one of my workshops and photo tours,please have a look at my website]

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Wow!  Nothing more to add...  Just Wow!

A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you as you travel.  Thanks for sharing this with us... Mike

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great photo from an angle that is pretty rarely seen. Very cool is your innovative method of getting this type of picture. He just comes right into your room. really amazing shot.

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Amazing, and thanks for your descriptive technique in getting the shot!  It's funny that 2 of the comments above used the word 'WOW'.  I hardly ever use that word because it tends to be overused, but this image deserves an unqualified WOW!!!  I will definitely be checking out your website for your workshops. 

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every now and then an image comes along that makes you simply marvel and admire it for everything it represents in photography. I have to say this image is exactly that for me. Simply brilliant Marsel.

I like your 'secret' technique too. I suppose we can't all be Nikon lovers, but I can easily forgive him for that. But only ...just:)

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Lion looks very determine to strike. Marsel, make sure you have a built in safety cage for your protection, just in case...The best picture of an angry lion I have seen in years.  Congrats..

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Quite an amazing shot indeed, a well deserved accolade on this one for sure, and  great tip (the inverted monopod) to try out not only on "potentially lethal subjects" but on others as well. I will definitely borrow this one from you.   Congratulations on a fantastic shot and a well deserved award.  Regards- michel 

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I sure as hell hope hope you were using a very LONG LENS!

Amazing shot!


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As others have said, WOW.  I don't think I could pull this off even using your secret technique - I would be rolling up the car window!!

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It's not often we get to see a genuinely angry lion at close range -- it's an unique view.  Congrats on the award -- well deserved.

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Congrats on the award for a deserving photograph! WOW! Nice technique too, and thanks for sharing with us.

Exceptional capture! The last fellow I knew that got a shot like this, isn't around to talk about it anymore! (Not really!)

Happy traveling,

Jim j.

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