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© C. Ranke 2010

The Shepherd, Mariazell


1/60 sec f:3.5 ISO 250. A handheld shot from a running tour with my M9/ Perar combo. The shepherd was friendly enough to allow me some shots, and told me stories about his herd.


© C. Ranke 2010

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It is a pity the snow hadn't stopped. The blurring snow behind the shepherd is a tad distracting. However, this is an excellently composed shot. The colours are fantastic. I do like it.

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You have apparently photographed me and our dog... in one of my dreams!

Couldn't be more inviting...

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excellent,,back to the roots,,,to find a new way,,,i like this,, like an old dusty oilpaint standing in the snow

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Perfect ! The vignette and blueish cast add to the timeless character of the picture, one does not know whether it was taken now or rather 50 years ago. The snow adds to the atmosphere, good that the exposure allowed "snow trails". Best regards. Peter

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Nice work! Did you augment the vignetting? It looks really good here, it adds the mood to the composition, gives it more winter, gloomy feeling.


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Exposed to the elements of nature. A well composed documentary photo.

Thanks for your continuous support. Best wishes for 2011. Karl

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Until viewed 'Larger' the crispness of the details, especially in the shepherd's hat and the dog's fur, is largely lost.  Looks like quite a team, the shepherd assessing the flock's condition on the right while his partner covers the left.  The gesture of the dog's raised paw indicates he may have observed a condition of possible concern.  (or maybe his foot simply got cold) For me, the falling snow increases my empathy for these poor souls out doing a necessary but probably unappreciated job.  If the shepherd was trying to make himself inconspicuous he chose the wrong colour for his camo-pants though I suspect that before his shift is over he and his partner will be as white as the sheep & will blend in perfectly.  Surprise, Mr. Wolf, these sheep fight back! The vignetting may concentrate the viewer's attention on your subjects but the severity of it initially makes the shot look like it was made with a mirror lens.  Not a deal breaker for me as the story telling aspect remains high.  Best, LM.

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A phantastic moment captured in a highly creative as well as aesthetic photographic work, Carsten. Creative: IMO a kind of "street shot" arranged in a truly pure landscape scenery and image revealing a special winter atmosphere / mood... Aesthetic: because of an extraordinary compo combined with an excellent editing (OK, the Leica and lens provide a particularly good base a bit maybe, too... ;-)). Bw, Volker

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Thank you all for your thoughts !


Len and RE: the Perar lens is a modern variant of an old formula, the classic triplet with modern glass, makes for a pleasing old-fashioned look. This lens vignettes at f:3.5, and I didnt correct because I didnt want another look.

Compare for yourself. With an LCC profile in Capture one, the vignette is away in a second. But I am not sure that this look is really better (optically, yes, but not visually for this motif)



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I'm real late to the  beautiful winter scenery . First it has to be seen large! the details and PP are great !Second I like a lot the vignette, it centers the duo ( not centering  the composition but ephasizing the light ), and the look of the shepherd diagonally leads the viewer to the sheeps and houses in the far end.The cold bluish tone is very nice( as well as the DOF) as it enhances the weather and atmospher, and tells a story.

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Such a beautiful shot full of atmosphere. I love the vignetting; it adds depth and puts the attention on the shepherd and his companion. The snow fall which is evident against the dark blue in the man's coat and the frost on the dog's fur really enables one to see the dedication of this duo toward their flock. Excellent capture! Thank you for sharing. :)

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