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Northern Colors


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If you live in the Yukon, you have likely seen a photograph of this

place. Elsewhere, not nearly as much. It's one of the rare, distant

glimpses you get to see of the range that has consumed much of my

focus and fascination this past year, the Tombstones. This image was

taken as the last of Autumn colors (it actually gets much more

colorful than this!) were fading away to the snows.

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WOW!  This is an amazing image.  The DOF feels like the eye sees for many miles through this perfectly lighted bi-chromatic valley surrounded by magnificent mountains.  The softness and cool aura of the blues contrasts well with the warmer oranges.  The ruggedness of the mountains is great, and the image is not over sharpened, just right.  The Yukon is a place where I'd love to get lost with my camera gear.  You may want to consider knocking down the vignetting in the upper corners just a bit.

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Wonderful image Marc.  There is so much depth in this and the trees in the hill close by give a sense of scale to this amazing scenery.  Great work - regards - michel

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OK, this one is truly epic Marc! I've been watching your recent posts coming down the pipe and all of them are stunning as usual, I just haven't been taking the time to comment (too much going on before the holidays). I had to stop and remark when I saw this. Right down your wheelhouse Marc. Some of your newer work is straying from your usual grand scapes. They are all excellent deviations for you and I am happy to see you branching out your creative efforts. Still, you dominate when it comes to the vast scale landscapes. I wouldn't want to see you "sell out" on your style in an effort to compete. Keep em coming like this and you will always have an enthusiastic audience. The chiaroscuro lighting across the valley is mesmerizing and those painterly clouds are the crowning touch. My eyes are wandering all over the place. As you stated, the color here might be past peak, but one wouldn't know if not for you mentioning it. I think you better get back up here next year to better time the event. This is my kind of landscape!!

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This is an amazing landscape. The wonderful color tones, the attractive light-effect, the excellent dof, the skillful composition - everything is of  ‘Marc Adamus standard’. 7/7 Best regards.

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Marvelous, Marc.  those little areas of light on the Mountain peaks and down in the valley masterfully master the wonders of the wilderness.  Kudos, kudos and again kudos, rek.

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Thanks, guys.  This was my first day in this region, right after the first storm of the winter cleared.  I don't do many daytime telephoto landscapes that are successful, but the multitude of colors and light here just forced me to shoot.  There's lots more coming from my recent travels still.  If you can believe it or not, I went into this range here a week later for what was supposed to be a 2-week backpacking trip and my camera died the second day out!  It was a horrible experience (particularly after driving 3000 miles and hiking two hard days in the snow).   It did not, however, in any way diminish the beauty I found in here. 

After that, I was camped in that valley to the lower left in this photo for 8-10 nights off and on throughout my stay in the region.  After I took this shot, the snows just kept coming.  I didn't see any more color, except for the northern lights!

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Marc, you are absolutely my favorite photographer... I love your personal style and your pictures: sincerely I think this image is a little under your standard average quality. I see it and I think: "oh, great shot!!!" but when I read your name I got a little delusion, 'cause I've not recognized your hand.

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Congratulations on this excellent shot. As others have remarked, it has a real depth to it. The colours are magical, what a shame your camera died so soon into your trip. Well, that just means that you will have to go back again..... it looks like an inspiring place. Regards, erik

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This is fantastic, it must be otherwordly at a larger size... or in person.  I'd love to see this place. 

Minor nit but it seems like it would be simple to crop or clone out the tiny bits of protruding foreground vegetation at the bottom of the frame with no loss of overall impact.

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My heart breaks for you Marc. What a disaster to have a camera fail here given how how hard is to get to and how rarely it has been photographed. I hope to see you go again and perhaps make the greatest images you have ever made. This is a beauty but I can only imagine what you could do here with better weather. Watch out for the grizzlies next time! Best, JJ

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Fabulous landscape Marc! I've always loved what a fresh dusting of powder does for a landscape. Wonderful frosted colors, beautiful curves and undulations, and the spectacular backdrop of the Tombstones, make this a delight to view! Bummer about your camera :-( Damn Murphy and his law anyway!

All the best,

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What a beautiful landscape. Good composition, great depth, nice colors and a big dynamic range.

Multiple shots merged together?

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