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Software: Adobe Photoshop CS3 Windows;

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Remarkable image and of very unique atmosphere, the aged lady makes this work a real outstanding one and add a great interest to the viewers.

Thank you for sharing it my friend and wishing you all of the best.

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Very impressive creative artwork, with amazing details on the face, wonderful light management, nice selection of elements, and finally very impressive meaning ( yes, life regenerates itself.... ).

My best wishes. 6


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This is photoshopped right?  The colour temperature and direction of the light on the woman doesn't match the scene.  There is something funny going on with her dress - varying parts are in and out of focus or blurry, looks like its been modified in PS.  eg. Where you would have buttons going down from the neckline it looks like a strip has been copied & pasted over the top.  Her left shoulder gives the appearance of being blurred/out of focus yet the background is perfectly in focus.  Have the buffalos also been lightened in post?

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Actually now I can see it - her right shoulder including neckline has been copied and pasted twice further down around chest level - you can see the curve of the neckline stitches twice further down.  And for some reason its blurred, and the lines down't match up...  Personally a little bit of tweaking is ok but it has to be done well enough not to look obviously wrong...

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Hi dear Falak,

You shared another wonderful image with us!The tonality and viewing are very well and you choose a great title for your nice shot,also!

Best regards(Bobby).

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Knowing whether your experienced this scene or instead created it is important to me -- I hope you'll answer the questions that have been posed by previous viewers.  The end result is one thing, the process is another; both are important.

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Incredible execution, the dreamily bg.& atmosphere really makes nice story for her..., Falak, absolutely wonderful!    Best regards

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An excellent composition is what I see. The background tells you where she is from but she is the main focus and this combination and how you presented it is very nice indeed.


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Falak, excellent composition.very good exposure,DOF and magical light.I particularly like how you have chosen the background of setting sun for this old lady.

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Did you use two flashes (the main one off camera and to the right, with the second on-camera but with reduced output), or just one flash off-camera and a fill card held at the woman's right?  While I like to look at good photos on this site, I like to learn from them as well.  Given the brightness on the woman's face and the angle of light compared to the background and the setting sun, I'm quite sure that at least one flash (along with a bounce card) must have been used.

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Oh dear, was thinking about the buffalo&cart not looking right on top of the woman being heavily modified (and perhaps pasted in), and on closer inspection the water buffalo and cart hasn't just been lightened, it wasn't even there in the first place was it - its been photoshopped in right?  Otherwise why is its reflection a perfect inverse of the original, except shortened (instead of lengthened as a reflection would be) and darkened, but with the same perspective, and the wrong contrast. 

Also the cart wheel's reflection clearly goes over the top of the *real* wheel, which reflections don't do :)  Personally I don't like it when photos are made up by pasting in stuff that was never there.

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