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The Monument



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Made by farmers (most likely children) with stones and rocks already

piled up there to allow for easier operation of their tractors. Made

me think about time... and art... and...

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Your composition and processing are superb. This carries a feeling of hopefullness which is in short supply today. A picture that is full of serenity and gentle light. All of your recent pictures seem to have this same quality.
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Jack's comment made me wonder if here is any manipulation. I didn't think there was. I do agree with Jack that it is a wonderful image.

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Wonderful image, the comp., the color and the detail all add up to an image almost
Stonehengelike.  Very well done, regards rek.

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Thank you all very much for visiting and commenting.

I am really happy that this image touches similar chords in my fellows. It is simply gratifying :)



This is from a single raw file (although I had about ten from various angles).  I was careful during exposure to prevent highlights from blowing. That necessitated opening the shadows a bit during processing to make them look like how I saw them. All other steps were within routine image processing limits; no HDR or exposure fusion, that is. This was less than half an hour before sunset...


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a man of rock with feet firmly planted and legs slightly parted (for balance),  head tilted with arms outstretched in celebration, a timeless figure commuting with the sun king and beautifully bathed in soft light.


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I like the light touch you've used.  Though colorful, there is no hint of oversaturation, and it seems natural, not contrived.  Lovely work.

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  Apparently these markers have been in use in the northern polar regions for years if not centuries.  Wish I could provide a better way to link to the web site I found but this will have to do.  http://www.inukshukgallery.com/inukshuk.html  They have grown in popularity and are now commonly seen throughout Canada at least either in a very large presentation or a very small one  that would be found on a rocky outcrop near a highway.  My example is from a park in Collingwood Ontario, Canada.  The placement of your example in the frame is  great as is the soft but directional light which helps accentuate the shapes and texures of the stones.  How could one walk by this & not photograph it?  Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.  Hope to continue these dialogues in 2011.  Best, LM.

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Thank you for the image and info. I am really surprised. They are of very similar design, to my eyes, and it is difficult to trace a relationship between the two. The only possible (and remote) connection I can think of is the fact that Natives of Canada are also from Central Asia (thousands of years BC). Intriguing and truly interesting. I will be visiting the site you mention after writing this message.

I am very happy that I have many knowledgeable friends here who continue to be sources of inspiration for me and support me by their thoughtful comments and criticisms. You are certainly among them. I feel lucky :)

I also wish you and your family a merry Christmas and a better, happier new year.



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Who, and why?  The westering sun (or am I wrong and this is dawn?) giving a slight glow, the top stone almost gazing at it.  Is someone buried there?  So many questions.  What life, or lives, revolved around this monument?  Quietly captured, as if the photographer has caught a private moment of reverie of some unknown spirit.   

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Many thanks for your visit. This is indeed just a few minutes before sunset and it had posed the same questions to me.  Strangely enough, I liked them more than the potential answers!

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