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Little Prince


No photoshop, except for: croping left side, conversion to B&W and toning, "dust and scratches", sharpening and contrast adjustments.

This picture wasn't posed.

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"Each man must look to himself to teach him the meaning of life. It is not something discovered: it is something molded." Antoine De Saint-Exupery

Just another lesson! my regards,Adrian

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One of my very favorites that still ranks with the best-of-the-best on any photo site, Marc. Your pose bestows great pride on your subject, even in his very basic surroundings. Tonality is top-notch as well. Congrats!
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I find very difficult to choose what's the best between the two about this kid...but maybe this one wins because it exhaults much more this idea of the "prince". Very good.
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well, I presume I don't have to tell you why this is a good photograph!! anyway, what I really like is your low angle of view, the way you've placed him between the clouds, and your B&W conversion


the square format works pretty good as well, I wonder how it would look if you'd placed him slightly more to the right though - in my mind that would've produced even more impact!



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Excellent perspective and angle and most beautiful B&W and great scene with a story behind!


Thank you for your low rating on my photograph! and without comment!!!!!!!!!!



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Another great one, I love composition and how the squared shal fits with the harvested dry grass, ausence of clouds makes this little prince outstand like not so little 8^), 7/6, cannot rate 7 cause new forum policies, sorry, lovely shot anyways, regards
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Might be my very favorite of your images, M.

Although, I'm back, I've quit rating and will only post my images for critiques. This place is as bad as ever.

Hope all is well with your new life.


"oasis man"

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Marc, tout d'abord felicitations pour tes distinctions aux 'spider awards' sur les deux photos restantes sur ton portfolio..! Cette photo en particulier est dans mes favoris depuis longtemps et je dois dire que je ne me lasse pas de la voir.. c'est sans doute une de ses grande qualite ! d'une simplicite et d'une force visuel vraiment remarquable. Je n'ai rien de vraiment constructif a dire, mise a part que - comme toute photo finalement - elle prendrait d'avantage de valeur a l'interieur d'une veritable serie. Tu es visiblement de ceux qui selectionne enormement.. c'est une bonne strategie, mais mon appetit est encore grand.


Merci pour cette image.

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En fait, trois photos nominees, mais celle-ci est la seule prim饠- et ce n'est d骠 pas mal. A part ca, je dirais que le temps de poster des images sur ce site est un peu revolu, pour moi. En tout cas pour l'instant. Merci d'etre pass頤ire bonjour.
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It's been a while since I stopped by your pages, and let me tell you how glad I am to have across this image...


Absolutely outstanding. My first reaction would be to suggest a more off center composition, but upon reflection I think your centered, low angle perspective approach enhances the most important feelings in the image; the boy's exaggerated stature and independence. In the way you have portrayed the scene there seems to be a grace to the photo, a "moment" so well captured. To me this moment in time would not appear to be anything extraordinary had it not been seen and composed in the way you have here. Wonderful image, glad to rate 7/7 a soon as the site will allow.


Thanks for your constructive criticisms on some of my images, lessons learned for the future.

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