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The Embracement


Software: Adobe Photoshop CS3 Windows;

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Mastering Internal light is a real pain, the photographer has done a great job here to balance this work light, composition, details, perspective and tone.

Very technical POW and of great interest to the viewers.

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I think Bo expressed it best: as being swallowed by the the large structure and the human element bringing it all back to reality. While I'm writing this critique, the image is cropped on my screen so only the lower half of the image is visible. It looks like it was shot with just a somewhat wide angle lens, not a fisheye. When I scroll up the whole perspective changes as the upper portion again dominates the image. Still a wonderful shot, the ambient lighting in the upper portion of this great hall is wonderful.


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I think that the image is very compelling. The texture in the grey stone, around and above the pillars, is outstanding. My suggestions for improvement:

The windows are blown out. The three in the back wall along with their reflection are the bigger problem. Those along the sides simply stop the eye briefly. I suggest making windows a light cyan and darkening the highlights on the floor.

The longitudinal molding above and below the circular elements just above the black stone molding have lost texture detail. I suggest darkening them slightly.

In terms of composition: there are lots of lines leading to the back of the room, but there is nothing there. I find this disappointing. If the people in the front had a bit more contrast, it would pull our attention back to them and resolve the disappointment. Make the white elements lighter white and the black elements - very black, being careful not to mess with the skin tones.

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Compliments Gabi for this idea and way you did it.All this lignes and architecture shapes in this point of view comes to be so powerful.I find it original and succesful one.

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When one compares with how this Basilica is shot by others (see here an example), this photo of Gabi is just glorious.

As far as I can see in Gabi's portfolio it is also one of the most succeeded of his, using extreme wide angles like here. I don't really care about the over-kill happening using wide-angle lenses by many photographers, when you see a shot like this that clearly adds to the experience one has of even visiting the place oneself.
The quality of the photo is superb and the fact that a small group of people are sitting in the first row adds to the impression of an immense divine space of light and colors.

This is a very redecorated Basilica (19th century) as far as I know. Having the same eye and technic for more ancient places in Rome would be a gift for us all.

Beautiful work Gabi.

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A well done use of the fish eye distortion. A terrific composition. At first I wasn't crazy about the people sitting there. After another look, they do well to serve as a sense of scale to the volume of space here. A fitting title as well

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Without controversy, this is one of the most beautiful internally captured photo.

But I say with my deep regret, I have feeling that the effect of the lens distortion is not that realistic.

Is barrel distortion occurs with the front lines only ? really I don’t know.

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This is a great architectural,shot.At the first step,the composition and veiw are very eye-catching.The details,described as well as possible and the light managing is very good,also.
Best regards(Bobby).

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I find the perspective and depth in this photo just fantastic. The 4 people make a contrast to the size of the room so we get a feeling of how big it is. The also contributes to the mood of the picture.
Congratulations Gabi.
Regards Sidsel

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I love it as a creative interpretation of a beautiful building and agree with all the complements given above. When I look at the standard views though I see that this is not even close to the true look and feel of the place. Wonderful art, not so good at documentory illustration.

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Aesthetically, I don`t find this `through the looking glass `kind of image pleasing as a photo of an already beautiful place. But if you take it for what it is, namely, an exaggeration of perspective, and an abstract image, then it rates high for creativity.

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Something old, something new, the perspective still within limits, despite the distortion, which makes it maybe more interesting. Fine photo and good choice for discussion.

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I find this so interesting..I just want to hang out and keep looking...trying to understand why I like it so much. It keeps playing.

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It is the perspective and exposure which make this image original and interesting. The distortion of columns are not distracting.Inclusion of people gives an idea of scale and infuses life into the image. To me this is an admirable image.

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Picture is very interesting. the composition is great but not as skillful as one would think . i get it, it has nice lines and symmetry but its just too straight, and feels like it was pushed. Its still a great photo tho.
What doesn't work is the HDR kinda feel going on with this picture, it feels bland. It will be better if the photo has lights and darks, shadows and highlights. Maybe even in black and white.

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I'm not fond of the distortion, at all, in this image. To me, it is the architectural equivalent of those bloated and distorted animal faces with goofy expressions you see on greeting cards.

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This is a superb image!!!
But i'm a little courius of Your tecnique in this shot...
This is only one shot, or 2-3- shots???
Have you used the fish-eye?????

Coud you write about????? :)
Francesco Martini

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