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Jesus on an Eggbeater

jim schwaiger

1 sec, f/11, 50mm

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This is an local mural known affectionately as "Jesus on an

Eggbeater". I took this for the Doors assignment, but it works as

a long exposure too.

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I don't know if all the dark negative area at the bottom is useful but I like the rest of it. Maybe just framing it up a bit would have done it. Was there something above the arches that precluded that? Nice color and shapes here.


Does this church spin, dude? Far out!

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This really works, in a strange kind of way. The colors are striking and very pretty. The fact that the head of the Jesus figure is so dark adds to the sense of the strange, as does the way it all hovers up in the air. For this reason, I think the dark at the bottom adds to the image.
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Fred, the funny part is that the members are probably among the most conservative in the area. It's the "rich-white-guy church" with many doctors and lawyers that won't be seen without there nice suits.


This is full frame and my intent was to minimize the perspective distortions by aiming down as much as possible. There isn't anything interesting just over the arches so this seemed to be the best composition I could get with the 50mm lens without dragging a ladder out in the nearby street.


The mural has a 70's look to it, but I don't know how long it's been there. I'll see if I can find out...


Ah, it was done from 1966 to 1973 and it is a Mosaic made from "about 14 million pieces of Italian tile - none larger than a man's thumbnail". Sounds like a lot of hard work.


Maybe I could talk them into putting in a reflecting pool, heh heh.





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I have to admit that this is a totally rad image. I like the colors, and the geometrical shapes you can see throughout the shot. I don't really have a preference for the darkness at the bottom of the image because so many other things catch my eye. This is an awesome shot. Nice work.
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Jim S,

Did it take a court order to change your name on Photo.net?

You've got the light right to bring out an ethereal atmosphere. You don't have to dig out a ladder to "frame it up," as Fred suggested. But that would mean using some late XXth Century technology, like PhotoShop. In the earlier XXth Century they used the full frame standard because they didn't know how not to. But then of course they didn't have color film commercially available until the 1930's.

So, let's see where you fit in this time warp: after color, during full frame and before PhotoShop? That would be in the 1960's-70's when the Jesus on an Eggbeater mosaic was being fit together.

No wonder this is such a good picture.

Welcome back,

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