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Road to the Sea


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Mohan, as a composition, it works well. The road makes a good line from the bottom up, the mountain on the side is rather vast but adds good contrast to the bright sea behind. The silhouettes of people on the beach is a very nice added touch. In terms of chosen viewpoint, to me it's a good photo.


Technically, I find the sharpness of the photo a bit problematic. It seems very fuzzy, I cannot really see why. It is throughout the frame, maybe the focus was way off?

Checking the exif data, a f/4.5 aperture is a strange choice. Given the scene, f/8 or f/11 would make more sense, to get more depth of field. It would also have helped for the overall sharpness.

The sea portion is very bright. Probably unavoidable, but later into the sunset, the light could have been gentler. That could have given nicer light in general, but also have made it easier to balance the tonality of the entire scene (less dynamic range).

A minor niggle is the bus on the road; it distracts. I think waiting for a bit till it was out of view would have helped.

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