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© © 2010 Calvin Nguyen

Splash attack.


© © 2010 Calvin Nguyen

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Magnifica toma y divertido momento captado, asi como una estupenda expresion. Las gotas de agua en el aire, asi como la luz y tonos son excelentes.

Un cordial saludo -Tolo.

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I think this is a great shot.  Looking at the dimensions it looks like it was cropped slightly but I think probably for the better. Excellent DOF.  Everything is in focus and I think thats great because she is definitely the main focus and the greenery around her is alive but still makes the subject stand out.  The subject is looking directly at the camera and you have her in a great expression which always helps a photo. 

The water spraying up is not blurry so you were able to get the shutter speed higher which was perfect.  High shutter speed and great DOF can be tricky depending on the light but I feel like it was done really well here.

Her hat is a great color and balances well with the pink flowers to the left.  The perfect final touch!

Wonderful photo.

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Thanks for taking the time to write that, Tom.  I used 1 / 800 sec which proved sufficient.

Your kind thoughts are all too generous and extremely appreciated!

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Hi dear Calvin,

This is an original view point with nice tonality and details!

Take care.

Best regards(Bobby).

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