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An incredible shot. A Nature shot + People in it.

And the children have been captured in such a natural

way. The square format really helps here. Worthy of a POW.

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Interesting shot that yes, really is POW material. Composition is flawless the light & muted colors great. Three figures all facing away from the viewer but still able to hold the viewers attention. If there is any room to improve I'd say maybe burn in the top sixth a half stop or so. Regardless, well done!
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This is a wonderfully nostalgic image. The poses and shadows are very artistic, and the misty vista tops it off nicely. Very well captured.
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Great color, nicely balanced composition, good "action" shot. I like it a touch better if I crop about 1/2 the sky above the peak -- just a tiny bit -- but that's a minor and arguable point. Excellent picture.
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A moment very well captured. Seeing the children at play brings back allot of memories. This is definitely a POW contestant!
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