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© Copyright Pamela Franklin

watching you.....



© Copyright Pamela Franklin

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This little guy was sitting in a tree outside my window, I looked up and he looked up, we made eye contact and I asked him to wait there....he waited while I ran to get my camera. (Hand held 70-200 non IS, f/4 ISO 500 taken through the window pane.)

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Great humorous story.  I would consider cropping it tighter, but with more room on the right.  I see photographic opportunity here.  Some peanuts, window open, a little bit of time..............Could be a Kodak moment.  Most great shots aren't snapshots, but setup in one way or another.

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I like the crop as it is.  You need the bottom, and the branch with leaves on the top anchors that corner to the rest of the frame.  As an aside, everything about this image makes me happy.

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Monte,  Thank you for the support and encouraging words, glad that this made you see some humor  ;) I will play around with a crop but wont replace this one. Your advice is always appreciated!


Kawan,  Thank you for the kind words


Gail,  It is always a pleasure to hear from you and I am happy that you like this!


Keith,  I am happy that you like this and yep it was opportunity, of course my little friend had to cooperate to make this happen  ;) Thank you for stopping by.


Andrea,  Thank you for the kind words. This tree is not close enough to my window to give him a treat...but I often throw peanuts and critter food into the back yard for these guys.


John,  As always I am happy to hear from you and appreciate your words. I feel the same way you do about the tree branches but will play around with a crop as Monte suggests. I am glad that you look at this image and feel happy!


Warmest regards, Pamela

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This is a terrific portrait, the catch light in the eye, the side lighting and the dark background all work together to focus attention on your subject.  Immediately the word 'cute' comes to mind, but this little guy is full of personality and he seems to be very comfortable with the Paparazzi.



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It simple, it interesting...  I do not know, maybe it need more space on right, than on left. But, this small creatures too fast, and you did it right way to capture moment. Thanks for sharing! :-)

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Thank you for stopping by  ;)


I think he posed for me too! I am happy that you like this


I appreciate that you left a thoughtful critique, thanks for stopping by.


Too funny! I agree, he did have a load of personality that I felt shined in his portrait!


As always I am happy to hear from you, It is nice that you like this and I appreciate that you stopped by.


Thank you!


Ha! Too funny, he was looking right into the window....wonder if he is making the rounds to all my open windows.....


Thanks everyone, Pamela

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When the local squirrels look at me like this they are asking if I'm handing out in-the-shell peanuts today? You are fortunate he waited for you and you got a winning photograph. Maybe he belongs to the Screen Actors Guild.

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