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I like the overall impression, but let me try to break it down:

1. Black and white suits it. I would guess that realistic color of the scene would be drab in any event. Monochrome avoids that problem and brings out the abstract elements in the scene, which I find pleasing.

2. The shutter speed seems well-chosen -- neither so fast as to "freeze" the water in the waves, nor so slow that the water turns into a blur. A very slow shutter speed on moving water does of course produce a blur, which can be attractive but, in my opinion, is often a cliche. Ansel Adams preached using an intermediate shutter speed in this kind of situation, to suggest movement of the water but not blur out its features, and you seem to have followed his advice.

3. I like this abstract feature: The scene divides into distinct bands, moving left to right and top to bottom: the breaking waves; the backwash on the beach; the beach beyond the backwash; those sloping cliffs beyond the beach; the row of clouds just above the cliffs; and the sky above the clouds. (You could also find some subdivisions within those bands.) That's a common abstract effect, especially in B&W photography, and even old man Stieglitz employed it. But you've done it very well here, and I like the fact that the bands are sort of on the diagonal instead of horizontal, running straight left to right across the image.

I wonder if you created this image digitally or whether it is a scan of a black and white print of an image originally on film. Either way, you handled the range of tones very well, from nearly pure white (one of the clouds) to nearly pure black (in the darkest of the shadows). And you also preserved a lot of shadow detail. Ansel Adams would approve of that, too.

And you seemed to have burned in the left edge of the picture a little, especially in the upper corner. I think that that was a good decision; it helps hold the image together.

Well done.

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