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Kids In the mountain - Morocco

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I did not try anything, I don't have photoshop and as much as I appreciate comments, as much I hate people manipulating my photos and posting them.

Thanks anyway for trying to teach me something, it is appreciated.


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 I don't have photoshop and as much as I appreciate comments, as much I hate people manipulating my photos and posting them.


Editing others' images is permitted under the Terms of Use of this site. You do not need Photoshop to do what I did.

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I will refrain from further comments on your images, although I think you have an excellent eye. However, if you are going to refrain from 'developing and printing' your own images, you need to learn a lot more about using your camera. For example, your D5000 has a feature called 'Active D-Lighting' which would have helped you here. You should also learn to use your spot metering in situations like this. Your camera's meter was 'fooled' by the bright sky, which caused underexposure of the subject.

When I critique an image, I do exactly that. I look at what is in front of me. I do not consider the photographer's philosophy.  In this case, by editing it (I dodged and burned, the way we did with film) I could show you something without writing a book.


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Thanks Les. This is what I need to read. Use this, use that, do this do that... Not: look what I did with your picture, it (I) could do it better. Don't refrain to help...

(but the way these pictures are from last year when i just had bought the D5000... but had not time to put them on the net till recently). I hope I will do better this year. And... I did use the D-lighting... Exposition is the problem I think.



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I did not say it is not permited, I said I don't like it


No you didn't, you said you "I hate people manipulating my photos and posting them".  Perhaps in French or Dutch the implication is the same, in English, it's not.


Les: Please read Marie-Thérèse profile!


Let me first say that Ms. Faidherbe is a wonderful composer, her framing is often very thoughtful and sometimes beautiful.  That said, we cannot be expected to read the biographies of every author whose photographs we critique.  For Marie-Therese to claim that she is an "old fashioned" photographer because she doesn't develop (read: manipulate) her photographs is an oxymoron.  Old-fashioned photographers manipulated by necessity as an exposed silver halide emulsion isn't much to look at without some form of manipulation.  Today's digital capturist relies on their fancy camera to save their lack of ability, from a photographer's perspective, that is sacrilege, especially an "old-fashioned" photographer.


By placing your photograph in the critique forum you assume the role of student and while you may attempt to dictate the terms of your education, we are not bound be them.


Thanks Les. This is what I need to read. Use this, use that, do this do that... Not: look what I did with your picture, it (I) could do it better.


No one said that but you, Ms. Faidherbe.  I prefer your original image over Mr. Berkley's adjusted version but your photograph needs help.  It's under-exposed and could use an overall increase in brightness.  If I were an old-fashioned photographer, I would push this about a stop in development.  If you shot this in RAW you could use the development software that came with your camera (Capture NX, I believe) to adjust the exposure but I fear you may consider that manipulation so I guess I don't know what to suggest other than next time, expose correctly in the field.  There is no EXIF data attached and you've given us no shooting information so... I guess I have nothing to offer.  Good luck on your photographic sojourn.

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