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Why Are You So Generous?


She was playing the traditional wooden flute in the street. It was cold and there was nobody around. She readily gave me a permission to take several shots of her.

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A very interesting image. The kind of light halo around the hood, contrast between her face and the hood and the smile lurking in her eyes work extrrremely well here. Thanks for sharing.
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Guest Guest


Great work as usual Blago. Very strange, original (!) and intriguing. She looks like a movie star from 1920. The story goes...


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Wonderful shot! Love the lighted hood outline... great! Is that a kaval (or caval... sorry about the spelling) that she is playing?
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Powerfully composed. Drives the god-like bemusement of the flute player. I particularly like the rim lit halo serving to suggest that this is no mere mortal, or at least, the music is divine. The steady eyes and pale skin are haunting.
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