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Replaced with B/W; original below


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Thanks, Kim. Yeah, I've been having trouble with white balance and skin tone. Needs more work so I'll be replacing this with a b/w for now.


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Nice, clear and sharp. Beautiful smile. You can improve her teeth in the color version with a sweep of the desaturation brush, and then a gentle sweep of the dodger.   Again, I think her left arm needs to be addressed. 

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I'll double as her digital dentist immidiately. :-) 


How can I address her left arm in this case, Doug? I agonized over this without a solution - her arm takes up too much of the frame. Cropping took out too much and the liquify tool made a huge mess!

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I hear you!  Speaking from my experience, I sometimes have to ditch the whole shot, or just live with it and try not to let it bother me.  It's just one of those things.  I  this case, you may be able to square up the image a little, and darken the corner and that may be enough.  It doesn't bother some photographers, so it's not a matter of absolute good versus absolute bad, know what I mean? 

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I catch your drift, Doug. Actually this picture in b/w turned out to be one of the favorites among non-photographer viewers so maybe I'll leave it as is, for now. 

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Great Face Michael, but the arm is a touch distracting as mentioned previously. I tend to agree that this would be better as a square shot.

Thanks for the encouragement to post that you sent in 2009. Didn't manage to follow that though as I have not shot anything worth sharing.



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My preference is the B&W version...great tones and textures....I like the nice simple feel to this setup...the background is interesting but not distracting...great pose and expression and wonderful lighting...I particularly like the rim highlights on her face and shoulder.  Nicely captured.

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These are both good though I think I prefer the B&W version...the tones and textures add character.  Nice pose and expression, interesting location...and nicely lit...I particularly like the subtle rim highlights on her face and shoulder...nicely done.  By the way, I haven't seen much activity from you lately...I took some time off from PN following my return from Afghanistan in 2009 and when I rejoined earlier this year I was surprised how different it is...a lot of the people I interacted with before seem to have drifted off...very strange.  Regards.  Jeff.

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I applaud your decision to submit this one in B&W, a favourite medium of mine for people shots.  Has that 'classic' look.   Have you stopped posting?  Pity, because with model material like this you should post more.  Best, LM.

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Traveled a bit in  your folder... it is such a  beautiful portrait! I realy don't understand why you have stopped uploading new ones?;-))

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