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Hidden Falls

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I could hear falling water in the distance so I decided to hike cross

country down to a canyon away from the trail to Fitzroy basecamp.

When I got down to the river, I found this beautiful series of cascades

rimmed with fresh ice after a cold autumn night. A few days later I got

up at 3am and planned to hike solo back to this location for sunrise. As

I came around a bend in the trail, my headlamp illuminated the eyes of

a crouching puma, only a few feet away next to the trail. I was alone, it

was pitch black, and the body language of the puma convinced me to

slowly back away and abandon my plans for sunrise...

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Dear Michael, you show us Fitz Roy like probably nobody has seen it before.  I am looking forward to seeing more of the treasures you brought back from some of the most amazing places in South America. And I am sure your Puma encounter will remain in your memory for all times. Take care. Karl

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Thanks for posting your art on this site.  It is beautiful and truly inspirational.   Aloha!

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Really well done.  I can think of no way to make it better.  Did you use a graduated ND filter, or maybe merge two or more exposures? You found a really nice balance of light and tones however you did it.  Spent three years in Argentina--some really great geography there! 

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I used a 2 stop hard graduated neutral density filter to keep the foreground and background in check.  Other than cloning a water spot out of the sky, I didn't have to do hardly any other adjustments- it looked this nice out of the box.

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Breathtaking. I have never seen this kind of scene before. This is one of the greatest landscape pic i have ever seen.

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You are certainly making the magic here. Nothing like hard work, early morning hours, long hikes, random cats and all your experience and knowledge coming together into an image. And then someone says, "well, I have been there and never seen such a scene". And they are correct, they did not get up, do the work and have the eye to see what was right in front of them. Best regards. 

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Stunning Michael!  You've created a wonderfully refreshing image of a well photographed area.  Technically, amazing capture of the wide tonal range - my eye wanders through the composition.  A touch of contrast or deepening the shadows on the illuminated peaks may add a little more depth to that part of the image.  Eye candy!

Regards, Harry

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How nice is this! Just a spectacular shot with so much to see! I am glad you are OK after seeing the Puma! I am always a bit afraid of the "cats" when I am out and think I might have died of fright right there on the trail ;)

Take care, Pamela

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The greatest landscape image I have ever seen. Real, wilderness, hard to get to, great light, technically perfect, powerful. Michael, you are a landscape master in my eyes. Best, Jeremy

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