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The first image I'll post in a long line that will be my largest-ever release of new work over the next month or so.


This from a remote and difficult to reach location in Oregon's Columbia Gorge.  A spectacular show of waterfalls cascading down through the lush foliage accentuated by the luminous and misty conditions.  The misty effects were the result of photographing while it was was raining very hard but light was starting to just starting to emerge.

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Fantastic Marc! The frame is filled with content, but all of the info is cohesive. We see this image so often (it looks like Punchbowl) but not in this manner. The actual falls is almost obscure. We have been waiting for new material from you and as usual, it is a visual treat. On the contrary side, the main falls is too centered for me and might be close to, if not, 255 X 3. Yet I can see the compositional challenge here, making sure to include the most meaningful parts of the scene. I doubt I would have found a better organization or structure of your framing. Thanks for the great scenery!!

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the spectacular light conditions create a very special atmosphere. the diagonal lines of flowing water on the bottom half complete very well the composition, i feel its perfect. excellent photo.

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Ah yes, life on photo.net.  You need ratings to get your images seen better, and yet, the SAME PEOPLE have gone through all of my new posts today and given them the SAME 4/3 ratings multiple times (they know they can't get away with 1/1's, so they do the worst they can).  Of course, without explaining anything.  You gotta love this site, eh?  For humor sake at least...

You all know I always respond to any honest questions or critiques, and I thank those who take the time to say anything at all.

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Beautiful lush colors, and soft light make this one a winner Marc! Wonderful work. As for ratings - I don't rate images, or request ratings anymore, mostly due to the 3/3 raters that seem to have the blessings of photo.net staffers. You're right about the traffic though. No ratings, no viewings it seems. Anyway fabulous work as always Looking forward to more.

All the best,

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Marc, I think we are all frustrated by those cretons who, like sewer roaches, only have a desire to bring down others to their low level. I have also responded to those anonymous ratings with similar abhor. Honestly though, it is truly negative energy and it makes more sense to ignore their need for attention (they obviously can't get attention for their photography). Your time could be used more wisely by acknowledging each written response. Cultivate your followers and admirers and waste no time with those that want to bring you down. No matter how good your photography is, you will always have that element. Meanwhile, you shouldn't ignore a single positive response. I'm not asking for thanks mind you, I'm only offering advice. There are many who look up to you, for good reason. Make sure to thank them all. I say this because I am aware of your frustartion. All of us know, even the ones who slap 4/4s on your work, that nothing you post is a 4/4. Most of what you share is near perfect (much of it is), but everything in art is subjective. No matter what, you will always have to deal with the silent critics. Accept that and move on. Good to see you posting again!

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I can't but love this image. It's like a painting. The mist, waterwalls and all are in perfect harmony. It's like a painting from another world! Beautiful, mysterious world...

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I hear you, Mark.   I always appreciate your commentary.  This time was just especially bad with the ratings - it was deliberate sabotage by the same people, all within an hour or so, two to four times over on all the photos with the exact same scores.   It was difficult to not mention some frustration here because just about everyone I talk to would like to see the system change to limit this and for whatever reason, it won't happen.  I certainly agree photography is very subjective and I would expect there are people out there who seriously do not like my photos for whatever reasons and that's just life and art. 

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3's and 4's? Jealousy is an ugly color that some people just seem to like to paint with.


I've been in here several times this winter/spring and marvel at what you were able to accomplish. This image oozes atmosphere, which I've felt standing in the creek, but had difficulty conveying in pixels.


As an aside, I've spent an hour or so gawking at the new gallery on your website. Thought you might want to know that "Artist's Throne" won't display on either my iPad or iPhone. All the others show up perfectly (obviously the Flash opening page won't play on these devices). I'm still out flying a trip, so I haven't had a chance to check on my home computer yet.


Thanks for the visual treats

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Hi there!

It seems I'm not the only 3/3-raters lover, isn't it?  ;-))

Well, not even one more word about those anonymous cretins, and let's talk about this piece of art! Fantastic atmosphere, very good light, perfect compo... and effort I assume you toke going there in a rainy day, eh?

Kind regards and thanks for sharing!


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Very nice image Marc.  I love the atmosphere you have created here and the I also like how the misty waterfalls on both sides frame the central fall and tree. It's great to see some new material from you. I've been eagerly awaiting the new photos since I read on your website that you would be releasing new images in June.  The "New Travels and Visions" gallery on your website is outstanding.  I also can't believe you get the 4/3, 4/4 ratings.  It's pretty sad that someone would rate your images that low when IMO you have some of the strongest work on PN!  -Scott

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Great image of such a beautiful place. Nice colours and superb lighting. Like the effect of moving water. Congrats.

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Simply awesome.....as all your images are.  Your photos really inspire me to  want to be better.... thanks!

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