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© © 2010 Calvin Nguyen



© © 2010 Calvin Nguyen

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Cropped a little too close at the bottom. Otherwise DOF and lighting nice. How many times has this image been uploaded?

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Beautiful shot, Calvin!  She appears very vulnerable and content in front of the camera. I like how relaxed she is, especially her arms and hands. The DOF is great, skin tones are perfect, no burnout problems and the colors are exceptional. The light in the pond does not bother me.  I agree with the cropping at the bottom, although that may have been all you got, otherwise it is too tight considering that her feet are part of the focus of the image. She is also standing vertical in the center of the image. Moving her off center, even slightly, can sometimes make for a better image, although I know you know that and understand you may have wanted her front and center in this image. Recently I've been looking through some other portfolios (e.g. Mac Moss's series on Stoney) for cropping ideas and discovered that I could be exerting much greater creative license in my compositions. I do like your shooting perspective here and the clarity of the image. You captured a spring time image of a beautiful lady. It is quite gorgeous.  My compliments to Shylee for being so relaxed (and of course beautiful) in front of the camera. Enjoy this time of year.  David

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After David's fair assessment of this image there's little new that I can add -- not that I would have made all these points, and of course I'm nowhere near his leniency level... and me being me, I always have my little quibbles -- Calvin, in having Shylee stand at the edge (as it seems to me) you have affirmed in my mind that this is a posed shot whereas her "reverie" would have told me that it's a candid. Quibble over. Now a more serious complaint. Please don't allow Shylee to stand at the edge of anything, it alarms her friends... btw, she looks beautiful in this photograph, you have done photographic justice to her -- backdrops are just that: something way back to give context to the scene, they don't have to be perfect...~).

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Much appreciated, Ray.  It's not a matter of cropping though.  I didn't frame this one well and ended up just barely avoiding snipping off the subject's pumps.

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David, I tried to crop this image in a number of ways that placed her off-center and just didn't like the results.  In the future I have to be more careful to give my compositions enough space.

It's good that you're constantly seeking new viewpoints and ways to better your craft.  I'm gonna pick up that Photoshop book sometime this summer!

So happy you enjoyed this one.

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Thanks, Rajat.  Your quibbles are always backed up with reasons and they provide a huge foundation for improvement.

"Reverie" merely describes the expression Shylee wore for this shot.  It's a posed reverie, so to speak.

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Hi Calvin,

I like the shot. Only distraction for me is the bright reflection at her feet. It really distracts. Hope you don't mind me doing a little re-touch, but I wanted to show the difference. Keep at it buddy. Always my best-Jim

p.s.- This is pretty sloppy, should have caught the spot under her left heel, but you get the idea.

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Calvin, Since I was 16, I always cropped my shots, because it's WYSIWYG.  Since switching to digital, I've had to retrain to move back and allow my composition more room.  Most of my shots that I post here now are significant crops of the original images.  It works. David

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Nice water grafting, Jim.  I'm not sure how you did that but it's a very useful skill.

I didn't even notice the surface glare earlier.  Now that you mentioned it I definitely agree it shouldn't be there as its removal puts that much more emphasis on the model.  Thanks for taking the time to play with this image.

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David, whoa, I managed to find myself on the same page as you (i.e., the right page) for once.  There's no harm in giving oneself more space in digital.

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Excellent, I love this one, beautiful colors, pose and blur background, great job!!! 10/10.

Yes, the sand in the Mexican Riviera is really white, the picture is in a public beach, the resorts are amazing too.

Give me your advice about Nikon lens, 17-55mm f:2.8 or 24-70 f:2.8, I am happy with the DX format, some times I would like to get the D700 or newer but I guess a prime lens is better for D300s. 

Say Hi to your lovely model for me!


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Thanks for your generosity and comments about the Riviera, Alberto.

Please forget the DX lens.  Go with "The Beast" a.k.a. the 24-70mm.  It works wonders on the D300.  I can say that with supreme confidence after spending more than six months with the D300 + 24-70mm combo.  Sure it doesn't stretch out as wide as 17 millimeters, but this does not matter in the least as you will literally never find yourself in a situation where stepping back is not an option.  The extra reach provided by your cropped sensor will come in handy all the time as well, especially on the street or on vacation to a Mexican beach resort.  Lastly, with the 24-70mm, upgrading your body to the D700 or D800 whenever it comes out is of no concern to you either.

Compared to the junior 17-55mm, the 24-70mm is an FX lens with newer and superior technology.  The only thing it doesn't excel at is portrait work, but it does everything else sublimely.  After buying it, you won't give the money you spent another thought.  Instead your mind will be busy anticipating your next opportunity to take this lens out.

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Thanks for the advice, I really appreciate and I am agree with you. If I got chance, I am going to U.S. In June and I  will try to buy it there.



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Hi Alberto,

I'm the ''lovely model'', Shylee.  Hehe.  Which part of Mexico do you come from?  Cancun?  I only know Cancun.


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Hi, beautiful, I am from Merida city in Yucatan State, 3 1/2 hours by car from Cancun, did you like Cancun? I love it, the Riviera Maya is awesome too, there are a lot of beaches for taking great pictures. We are going to Cancun in May 22th for a week at Royal Sunset.

Shylee is your name? or Sakura?

Cheers, Shylee and Calvin.


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Hola Alberto,

Como estas?

I have never been to Cancun.  I only heard about it.  Three and a half hours away is pretty convenient for you and your family to visit that beautiful place.  Oh Mayan is just like a mini-Cancun.  Lucky you!

Me llamo Shylee.

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Yes I am close to old Mayan city like Chicen-Itza and Uxmal (ruins), Shylee, great spanish. If you guys got a chance go and visist Cancun, you will love it.

Un abrazo.


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Magnifico retrato, excelente pose y expresion captada con una estupenda luz, tonos y detalle.

Un cordial saludo -Tolo.

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