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Collecting salt


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I took this picture near Elmina castle (Ghana) late afternoon. The lady is

collecting salt in buckets for sale on the market. I inverted the original

picture and used the reflections in the water, to give it a special


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Thank you all for your feedback!! Highly encouraging to continue and contribute to photo.net
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Hi Riepko, what I'm enjoying about your photography is the creativity and your eye for composition. Even your decision to submit this picture 'upside down' demonstrates this. I also enjoy the clarity of the shot which I presume was without tripod. Great job! Martin
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It does have an alien effect to it, given the inverted salt piles. It's imaginative & original. Aesthetically, it doesn't do much for me

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I like it very much! Maybe if you took one or two steps back for more space around salt piles ...but maybe not....

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Guest Guest


I don't see anything original here. Flipping the photograph upside down makes it "interesting" to me for maybe five seconds.

I flipped the photograph back to its original orientation, just to see what it looked like. It's even less original that way, and there's nothing in the photograph that makes me think.

Upside down or right side up...either way, this does absolutely nothing for me.

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I am struggling to think of something positive to say regarding this weeks choice and it is a struggle.
As a travel photo it may be a nice representation of a women collecting salt for the market.
Maybe this would have looked better before it was inverted? Flipping a reflected image is a common practice and one which seldom succeeds. There has to be something more to the concept than turning upside down people right side up to make it rise above being a gimmick.
The original exposure and or the post production are unsuccessful and unappealing. Perhaps this is to some degree about unattractive light, yet this was taken in late afternoon when some lovely light is often present. The tones are murky and lifeless. The highlights in the salt piles look to be completely blown out.
The composition feels awkward and unbalanced with too much space at the top and too little space at the bottom. The downward angle of the stripes of muck running horizontally in the frame along with the tilt of the bucket on the ladies head makes the image  seem crooked .   The whole composition feels too tight. Affording the women more room may have given a a greater sense of place and made this work better as a travel photo.  Either that or coming in closer,  leveling the frame and making the photo more about the women would also be a possibility. As it stands now, the framing fails to give me any clear notion of the photographers intentions and feels like a quick snap of a passing women.  The photographer has another frame from the same location in the portfolio which is even  more poorly composed but which has better tones.

This location looks to have wonderful potential for photography. What seems lacking is a concise plan to exploit the potential. This photo reads to me like the extent of the planning was to point and shoot.

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Agreed: Flash photography, where the photograph sparks a flash of interest across the mind for a fraction of a second, then is quickly relegated to the ho-hum bin. I'm not saying it's a "bad" photo, just that it has very limited interest, as has been said, and surrenders its secrets too easily.

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Well, I suppose it has all been said already. I think this sort of thing is a bit gimmicky and most have done it or thought about doing it at one time or another. I feel that it is better to present something as it was and if it has the properties that might allow for or make others feel that the image could be or is inverted that you accomplish more than actually doing it--in most cases.

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Sometimes inversion may work, but here I think it's a gimmick that has replaced the photo I would have preferred to see. The salt piles, in particular, look very odd and ruin the viewing experience for me.

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If the photo were placed on a coffee table as an untitled print, all viewers would immediately view it the correct way up as gravity does not work in this way. For me presenting this upside down is a flaw and it looks 'wrong'.

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Nice idea, but honestly I find the realization not of my taste. Seems a huge crop out of a photo so done to make a boring shot into something different and nice only by being different.

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I thought that photo looked upside down and I like your notion to flip it to gain the perspective, and interest, that you have. A larger image would have caused me to examine the reflections more closely before making comment but I still like the unusual-ness that my minds eye saw when I looked at it. Don't you love that G9?! Nice!

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