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Tunnel of trees

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I liked the texture and presence of the trees. Also the mystery of

where the opening at the end leads to.

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I've just stumbled on your portfolio and am so delighted, will be back to visit, (storms approaching and have to do some quick work outside) but this shot in particular is great. Wonderful texturews, great POV and DOF. congrats....well done! most sincerely, Gail

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Many thanks for stopping by and your kind comments.  My wife and I were on holiday in Invercargill and out for a walk, me hoping for a photographic opportunity or two.  Did not have my tripod with me, but this scene felt good.  Later I wished i had focussed slightly forward, ie say to the second tree to the left.  However, was pretty pleased with the result.

Much appreciate your interest !



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Jim, this is a lovely image with really nice perspective. The various textures of the bark, dead leaves and pathway work very well. The light cutting across and at the end of the path is wonderful. 

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I really appreciate your feedback.  You have made it clear what has been the best ingredients in this image.

Kind regards


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Peacful setting and the grays and woods work so well with the limited lighing in the sceen the over all movement and framing well done.. Very good image... MJ

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You obviously took the time to look through my images to identify one you particularly like.

Am very appreciative.

Warm regards


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Hi Jim -Heh! The first thought on viewing your fine image was,"Where does the path lead" Guess we can both have the same thoughts. The left side is a winner,a great collection of really imposing great old trees.You can't help but wonder how old they are & how long they will still; be here.Visually,a unique & compelling capture, a pleasure just to sit & enjoy Best Regards-Ross
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Lovely composition! I like the way my eye is led down the path and the feel I get from the sheltering trees. This reminds me of the scenery you would see in some California coastal areas, like Carmel (one of my favorite places). Thank you for sharing. :)

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Thank you very much for taking the time to make such a thorough comment.  It really gives me heart, when wondering this morning of the value of photo.net, and being sceptical about it.   You and Trisha below have given me fresh energy.

Warm regards


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This particular image gets more feedback than any other of mine on Photo.net.  Yet others that do very well at our North Shore (Auckland) Photographic Society get passed over.  So am renewed in thinking how good it is to have two (or more) forums for feedback, both being well worthwhile.  Glad you see similarities, with Carmel, and have mentioned that.

Warm regards


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