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One bike, many miles.


Taken during a walk through a Chinese neighborhood in Georgetown, Penang Island. It's obvious that this bike has been a trusty mode of transportation for many years for the owner.

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I especially like the tone and balance of colors of the window, wall and the old bike. Among other photos in the "most recent photos in the gallery", this photo caught my eyes instantly.
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I viewed this photo up close since it caught my eye in the recently uploaded gallery. I like the muted colours of thi picture - overall a well balanced shot. Wish there was something like a small bright flower peeping out of the concrete to add an effect to this nice colour harmony - but that would be extending reality by imagination.

Good job.

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Nice shot, but the lighting is a little bit flat. Looks like a Chinese bike, but the shutter tells me it may be in the Mediterranean somewhere ?
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Apart from technical considerations, if there is a story beyond the bike, you have been able to tell us. I specially like the "impressionist" wall. Nice, very nice, Carol.
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I saw a shiny new version of this bike, loaded with flowers, in the Mission yesterday. I like yours MUCH better - it has character and story. I like the "pastel-y" feeling on the wall and shutters. And the rough road and that seat really make you feel the harshness of riding that bicycle.
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Interesting vehicle, very much like the ones in Korea. I agree with an earlier comment; the textures and colours in the wall and shutters warrants a photo all on their own.
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To me this picture says volumes about culture and values. In America the bike would have been relegated to the junk yard years ago, the shutters would have been replaced (with something plastic no doubt), and the wall would have been patched and painted (most certainly in an unamaginative color).


I think to critique the technical merits of this shot is to miss the point- the impact is there, and it's plenty beautiful.


Thanks for the image.


ps- your pictures (and many of the others on this site) are so nicely framed...what software do you use for this?

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Like the rustic yet calming feeling I get when watching the composition and colours of this picture. Nicely done
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