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© Emmanuel Enyinwa.

We Sang In The Sunshine.


© Emmanuel Enyinwa.

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Perhaps, it is I, indeed, who am crying inside. Out of joy or out of

sorrow, I don't know. But, it is indeed a bittersweet time, as Gabriel

will soon have a sibling, and it will be a life changing experience

for both of us. Strange to think that he is now three years old. The

time whizzed by, leaving very few moments to reflect. It seemed only

yesterday that he came out looking curiously at all of us gathered to

welcome him to this world. Even then, he had the quizzing eyes. These

past three years I have followed him, watched him grow and watched him

see, feel, laugh, cry. I have watched him jump with both feet into

this experience we call living. It has always been him and only him.

And, soon, there will be another to share the space with him. As I

watched him bound up and down, full of that energy and zest that he

always had, I finally had a moment to reflect about the both of us,

and how much different things will soon become. I did not know whether

to laugh or cry.

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As long as you keep this close to your heart, you will never lose what you now have. I believe that with every fiber in my being. My daughter is 26 and my son is 10 and I have special and unique relationships with both. Really enjoy life through your son's eyes and and you will soon experience the same magic with the new one. Congrats.
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I didn't mean to imply, if I came across that way, that I'm worried I'll love Gabriel less, or that I would love the new one less. Au contraire, we're BOTH ecstatic about the new one. In fact, Gabriel has been asking for a sister or brother for a while, and my wife and I we have wanted a second for a little while. I simply meant that, naturally, I would not spend as much time with Gabriel as he has been used to--literally half of every day, and, more importantly, he will not get to do the things he enjoys during our times together, but will share some of that time and attention with someone else who might have a completely different idea of what a "good time" is.
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The picture is a very good b&w. After reading your text, the combination blew me away. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Now I'm speechless...
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Emmanuel - Your narrative tears at my heart. My oldest son was only 14 months old when his brother was born. And no matter what I wanted to believe or was told, things were never quite the same. As time goes on though, I think you will appreciate that time for what it was and the change will slowly be welcomed and embraced. Congratulations on the impending arrival of a new life. And thanks for sharing with us your feelings---- emotions that are pure and honest. ~~~~~~~~~~L
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Beautiful image! My daughters are 6 years apart. Life is never the same after the second one, but then it would never be the same if we had only had the one. My oldest also asked for a baby sister for the longest time. Of course we didn't have the second one just for her. We had the second one because we loved the first so much. Mine are often jealous of each other, but when I am not around they are very close. One thing I made a point of doing, especially when Anna was a baby, was to make regular "dates" with Faith, so we could have one on one time.
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Your word and your image Emmanuel have an impact. ………. …….The low light and the sepia like effect enhance the impression….
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Mine are about two years apart. There is such magic between a child and his/her parents. There is a different magic that exists between siblings. My two now argue, hug, chatter, plot and conspire, wrestle, and adore each other. There was a time I couldn't imagine what life would be like with a second one. Now, I can't imagine any other way. Congratulations. I know you approach parenthood and many aspects of life in a thoughtful, meaningful way. I hope that the joy resounds during this special time.



By the way, the photo ain't bad. I love how the whole world appears to be bending in to watch Gabriel.

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The center of interest is right smack dab in the center.  That jet contrail in the sky does nothing for it either.

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Walter, I agree with you that the composition is static. I have tried to improve the technique over the years. Thanks for stopping by.

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Thank you for the narrative. So many times I look at the picture and feel so differently about what I am seeing than what the photographer had in mind. It is interesting to know the background to the image. This is where imagery is so unique that we can each have different thoughts when looking at the same picture.

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