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© copyright by Lisa Holyk 2003 All rights reserved

Bikes b/w


Taken in color and converted to b/w.


© copyright by Lisa Holyk 2003 All rights reserved

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It's been suggested to me to crop out the last 2 wheels because they

are oof. But I think that would take away too much off the long line

look and also cause the photo to be square. If I crop off the top to

keep the rectangle, I lose the bike bags. Thoughts?

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i like the repetition in this photo and you've used an interesting and somewhat unique subject to create this repetitious structure. keep up the good work.
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Nice - I've tried to take similar photos with less success. I think the out of focus areas might help to give it a beginning an an end.
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The shot is fine lisa, well spotted. The angle sloping 'downhill' to the right adds a dynamic to the shot, a kind of antcipated movement, you are right not to crop.
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Great shot. I would not crop the last two wheels. If anything, I wish you had panned a bit more to the right so the bit of tire at the left side of the frame is out of the frame and the edge of the last tire on the right is in. Like the repeating elements, and the contrast range is excellent.
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I think it's fine the way it is. That little bit of imperfect matters not. Heck the middle wheel is not alligned either.


GOOD eye Lisa!



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