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© @mirceatt

Still raining ?


70mm; f/5,6; 1/40sec.; ISO100.


© @mirceatt

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Nicely done. A good snapshot that seems to miss a third person or an object on the left. But as somebody just said, nothing more.

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I think one of the fun & interesting parts of the scene is it leaves you wondering. You can conjure up many different scenarios going on here. The photo holds one's interest. That & a very good composition make it a very strong shot

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I think when you talk about a photograph, there are just so many levels that can be addressed. There is the basic structure (composition), the technical and then the message(content?). The latter is pretty multidimensional and obviously where the most varied responses come from.

For me, the overall photograph seems to be well composed and the elements nicely placed without anything ending up being awkward or taking away from the primary subject. The man's outstretched arm and the receding curve of the road lead us back into the scene to a car that asks some questions. All this while the main characters remain our primary focus with the construction fence assisting our attention to these dominant elements.

Technically, I think it is nicely done, but I do feel that some local corrections could bring a bit more life to the image. Personally, I would look to open up the people a bit more, but what would be best is one of those trial and error type of balancing acts. I might also look to contain the image a bit more with some slight edge burning. But it works fine as it is.

I do think the content raises some interesting issues. First, some assume that there is another person out of frame which I think misses maybe something more obvious(although opinion). The almost God-like hand gesture seems more an indicator of a sarcastic "what do you mean, there is a great spot for our picnic!" directed at the people we know exist and referring to a spot out of frame.

But maybe the most interesting to ponder is how would people have reacted to this if these were a couple of old world characters in their robes (my first hit from the thumbnail) instead of plastic clad modern men in their prime? Are we suckers for exoticism or.....?

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It's a very brave photographer indeed who exposes her/his gear to his kind of weather!
I like this photo because I have been that soldier oh so many times! I bought a family tent some years ago and would you believe that I just had to rattle the string on the bag to start a torrential down pour which would set in for almost two weeks...almost because the Sun invariably split the stones on the drive home. I sometimes thought Mother Nature herself was laughing at us. Anyway, it's a very interesting photo...perhaps not technically perfect but not shot under perfect conditions ....I like it a lot. well done Mircea.
Frank Gaffney.

r oh so many times

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I think it is really good photo that does really make one feel they are in the rain with those guys! Too bad it couldn't have been composed without that industrial stuff on the right. Were you in that rain with your camera!? Not many of us would be so brave. It does make you wonder where they are going in that weather?

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A spectacular capture, and well worth the POW. I personally would have added a tad more contrast to separate the two figures in the foreground from the backgroud, but this is more a personal choice. Congrats.

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Excellent real-life photography, I agree it is evoking questions and there is a story behind this picture. Technically perfectly done, composition can’t be better. I like it and a lot, very fine work. 6/7

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The most interesting thing about this image is the gesture to feel the rain (I guess that's what it is). But otherwise, there is nothing to hold my attention beyond the first minute. There is nothing in the photo that makes me care about these guys, who just appear to be college boys determined to have a picnic.

I have some slight curiosity about where the photographer was standing to stay dry, but that's because I am a photographer who uses a not-waterproof camera, and it has nothing to do with the photograph itself.

Beyond an initial glimpse of recognition: "yep, I've been there, done that", there is nothing to make me want to continue inspecting the image. Just consider the story... frat boys who will brave the rain to drink beer. Not a epic theme, really.

It's a family photo album sort of image: valuable enough to include in "what I did this summer", only if one of those guys is you... or your uncle. The photographer has much better images their photo.net portfolio... t

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I think this image is visually interesting, with excellent composition, as many have noted. The interplay of light and dark masses, the flow of its lines and curves, and the ambiguous gesture of the figure on the left--all draw in the viewer's eye and hold it.

Most appealing (to me) is the sense this photo conveys of unassuming authenticity, of real experience. It's not pretentious. There's nothing about it that appears to have been calculated, or added-for-effect, or that seems technically "slick." Rather, it captures and preserves, in a simple way, the kind of moment that usually passes quickly in our lives, with little or no conscious recognition of a visual experience...yet may return unbidden years later, in fragments of memory.

Clearly the rain here has just begun. It's falling heavily, but small rivulets are only beginning to form on the surface of the ground. Near the subjects' feet, the dirt has not yet turned to mud. Looking at this photo, I can almost smell the summer air--the moisture and fragrance of new rain suddenly pelting dry dirt, gravel, broad leaves and evergreen trees; the warmth of the earth rising into wet, suddenly-cooler air.

I disagree that the picture would be stronger, if it included the "unseen person" outside the frame on the left, who presumptively is the object of the raised-arm gesture. Sometimes a question left unanswered (even undefined) is more interesting.


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It is not so often to have in the POW an humourous picture ! If i may say this is refreshing !
I love the attitude of both of these guys walking joyously under a curtain of rain and one testing if it is still raining !
Quality of the B&W conversion is perfect for the mood of it.
A great image to me !


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Thank you to the Elves for the selection !
I was very glad for yours choice and because I had the chance to know your opinions about my photo.
I read with attention the photo.net members comments and critique at this photo and I consider it's a big opportunity for me to learn more .
Thank you, all for feedback !
Best regards, Mircea

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I like the rain and the background but doesn`t make me stop and look very long. The subject material is too ordinary.

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Great picture - it reminds me of the first time I went to a Grands Prix we got in position for a practice run of the cars, in bright sunshine in July. Shorts and T shirts, a thundercloud came and in a minute everything changed, there was no shelter somehow kept the camera and 300mm f2.8 dry!
It is always worth shooting in the rain the results are often rewarding.

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Luv it! You can SMELL the summer rain! You can identify with the two people. (Haven't we all been caught in the rain like this?) And the B&W works much better than colour would have. Greart shot!


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It's well composed and well executed and seems to capture that "decisive moment." I wish it were more of a moment, but I like it.

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A fortunate combination of almost always good photo elements, as I see it. The sense of spatial depth by the lights on the car in the distance. The backlighting of the subjects. The S curves in the right places to add spice and eye appeal. The little blur on the balancing hand of the cooler carrier. The just- about- right for the mood gray scale. Meaning, What is not to like about this pleasant, nice, if not especially brilliant or prize winning, people- picture moment. Surmounts any specific incident or activity. Easy to relate to, with warm feeling for these two and the people they are going to meet, wherever in the world you live. I would sure be happy if it were in my collection. Nice.

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A perfect analysis, Mr. Siegel. I can add nothing but my hearty agreement. Some photos ketch your eye immediately; some require study. This one is, I think in the second set. I can't help but wonder what it looks like in colour.

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I am enjoying this image because I feel happy every time I get caught in the rain! The range of tonalities is fantastic! Great image.

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Brings back a great souvenir:
In 1974, with a bunch of friends, we had planned to go walking along the beach in Port-Daniel, Baie-des-Chaleurs, Québec, on a Summer day.
The weather changed drastically to rain and then heavy rain. We decided to go out picnicking anyway. So, we dressed appropriately, walked the beach, very happy, for about 7 kms and then entered the local lighthouse, ...illegaly, and had our picnic indoors. We a had great pleasure coping with the weather with lots of laughter!
This picture is very interesting and ALIVE!

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It is a great shot. Your "eye" is perfect with this one. The truck in the b/g works so well. The obvious with the hand out is very
familiar and "feels good". Nice tones. It's worthy of POW...

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Just goes to show what a good E-3 Olympus can do! ha,ha just kidding, but the E-3 seems to be rain proof. Great photo.

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I really like the impression of the rain and the some kind of coziness which the photo provides. The point is that thee is no sky so we do not know where the rain comes. But there was a sun, see the shoes :D
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If someone sees only this that rain rains and that correct exposition is, then I feel sorry for.
It for this shot is many tales, but it in order to it was one should was having open mind.
I congratulate stopped moment.

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