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red barn in a snow storm


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Barns and snow scenes are common enough, but have you seen any images on photo.net where it's actually snowing?
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Not to sound too much like my 9 yr old son, but, DUDE, I love this image. I really like snow, and I love barns. But you have captured them in a way that I appreciate. The fence leads the eye into the image. I like the way the small wooden structure image left are duplicated. The small trees on the right create just enough depth.
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i really like the blowing snow against the well composed buildings. might crop up the bottom a bit, make it a little tighter. nice!
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Very nice, and real sense of driving snow. I like the diagonal leading to the fence posts on the right, but I feel it would have been stronger compositionally if the barn itself had not been centred.
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Thanks for your observations. I think that cropping off the bottom would require cutting off the bottom off the far right fence post and compromise the leading line. The large area of snow lower left is balanced by the roof. The centered composition works for me because of the balance of the left side building against the right side tree and fences. I think there is enough variety surrounding the central elements to keep the composition from being static.


Again, thank you both for your opinions.

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I really like this photograph. There is an abundance of fine geometry here and thanks to the snow there is a refinement or distillation of details. A lot of distraction is removed by the snow cover, leaving lines and shapes that direct the viewer around the composition. Corners point to more corners and soon we imagine ourselves immersed in this tidy world of fresh snow and muted colors.


It is interesting that barns are such an emotional icon to many people who have never set foot on a farm. There is something reassuring about the concept of a farm and how it provides for our basic needs. Perhaps this feeling stems from our distrust in the transient nature of cities, where new buildings rise, grow obsolete and then fall on a regular basis. In our minds the idealized farm will always be there, though the reality is more likely to be one of corporate mass production rather than traditional family effort.


I like this photograph very much and the contrast that it represents to Carls other work.


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So nice to read one of your thoughtful critiques, Dennis. I was taken with the idea of corners pointing to corners, as if arrows could direct the eye as easily as leading lines.


The concept of barns as symbols certainly resonates. I remember spending a winter's night curled up in a sleeping bag in a loft when I was a 'Danish' boyscout.

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Tough environment and a very good shot Carl. The somewhat muted red and the blowing snow together are terrific. Very good white exposure in the snow while keeping very good detail in the barn and trees beyond
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i was surprised to see that this photo was taken in the u.s - it is identical to a traditional swedish red barn - that and the snow makes me really homesick....good stuff!
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