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Zabriskie Point Dawn III

leo burkey

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Well Leo, this is quite the painterly scene. It is really austere in a beautiful way. It has a Georgia O'Keefe look to it, especially the badlands. The crowning touch is that pastel sky above it all. This is one juicy photograph. Now, as good as it is, I can't help but feel it leans left a skosh. I don't know, perhaps the distant valley floor up against the mountains might be throwing me. I've always felt that no matter how level the camera was at capture, if it looks leanin, it's leanin. No matter, it is not uncomfortable appearing, so probably not worth the mention. All the while, this is very rich and full bodied and it is an image to be proud of!!
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Mark thanks for your encouraging words and eagle eye. This was a redo because I just was not happy with the original. Yes, it's that I'm all out of new images and I looking for redoes to give me something to do. You are right and I don't know how I missed the "tilt." I have corrected it and replaced the image but you will have to clear your browser to see it. Thanks again for stopping by, Mark.
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It's perfect now and going straight to the favs folder! I think you should post this bad boy, it is a beauty Leo!
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This is a remake of a image I posted in 2007 from my trip to Death

Valley trip with the Three Amigos. The original was too saturated and

a had a little too much blue in the mountains. I feel this rendition

better captures the dawn atmosphere that existed that morning at

Zabriskie Point. Your comments are always welcome.

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This is quite nice. The sky is wonderful, I like the variation in colors of the difference rows of ridges/mountains, and the watercourse leads my eye right into the photo (and I can imagine it going all the way to the bottom). Very nicely done.
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I agree with you; this is a much better rendition. It is amazing too, but if you haven't ever been there, you'd never believe that it could be as pastel as this. This is a lovely photograph, and your processing is just superb. Cheers! Chris
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I am glad I looked at this larger. I can appreciate the wonderful detail here. This is a sensational image. I wonder what it would look like in B&W?
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Now this is taking me back! Really is a super capture and the composition is spot on. The pastel coloring is like I remember. Cool thing about Death Valley. It is among the harshest places on Earth but dawn and dusk brings out the most beautiful colors. Nice work Leo, truely nice...Lefty
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Thank you my two photo buddies and other two Amigos. Chris and Lefty your encouraging words always mean a lot to me.

Linda, thank you for your kind words and I'm attaching a B&W for you to look at.

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