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longing for merida again


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One of my favorite cities in Mexico, particularly this time of year

from the perspective of Olympia, Washington.In some ways this image is

the reverse of my last post, Thanks for looking at my image and for

your comments, ideas and suggestions


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A most interesting image. It enticed me to study it for quite a while. This would make a very good abstract painting as well. Well done Seth!
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Thanks fro your kind words. When I am out with a camera, I am thinking mostly like a photographer, in the instance of making this image and the image of the oranges on the table within it, I spent a lot of time making sure the image on my camera was just what i wanted in photographic terms. But I have found that PhotoShop is a very different process, there I have the freedom to move or recreate my original photographic images in a more painterly direction, Often this is a very intuitive process, because I can pull images from a file that spans forty years. I like that freedom and PhotoShop allows me to work in this direction without spending thousand of hours and dollars to create a single complex image. I spent most of my career with a Mamiya twin lens and black and white film making very carefully composed and processed and printed images. Now those look kind of constipated and stiff to me, but I still like to reach back and integrate one of those into what I'm doing now


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