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A Moment Alone - Manistee North Pierhead

Canon 10-22mmConverted to b/w in PS

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I captured this shot in my quest to visit all of the lighthouses in the state

of Michigan. In review of the shots from this particular trip, this is

probably one of my favorites. I chose to desaturate, because of two

pieces of cement painted yellow with warning notes related to being on

the pier. Would love to know your thoughts, thanks.

Apurva Madia


Desaturation works. Very well seen, well taken!


Hi Jen,Good shot, but I would have preferred more contrast to the lighthouse.
As it is, it appears lost in the background (of the white skies).

I don't know how much distance, or room, there is on the opposite side of the lighthouse.
But if room is sufficient, I would have preferred the picture taken from the opposite side, where this bridge/rail would be sent back.
In my humble opinion, and in this case, for this particular photo, I think the presence of the couple in the picture is a major distraction.
I'm sure someone else would see things differently, and may disagree with my view.

I'll continue to visit your albums, and to enjoy viewing your wonderful work.


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