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Dreams and Hopes


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It is a group sequence of 3 stages created by Dror special school students . The students came to the country asking for shelter as refugees.,without their families , after a long traumatic way ( about 15-18 years of age). They were adopted by the Israeli youth movement "Hanoar Haoved Vehalomed " ( the working and learning youth movement) a well known local youth movement that opened a class for helping them to adjust , it has developed to a school chain. They learn regular studies and languages. My women Org. Tries to help as well in different fields. Our member Neli which is an art teacher is helping them with painting workshop.This is what their dreams are created in this painting.


Some of the words: Home , peace, love,happiness , hope ( in Arabic) friends, computer (studies).


Thanks for viewing and thoughts.

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Thank you for the reminder that photography isn't just about pretty pictures, but ideally it should mean something more. This has oodles of the "more."
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Isn't it funny how so often there is a bird (perhaps a dove) in the midst of hopes and dreams. A wonderful message -- anti-politics -- really nice. Great framing of this too, Pnina. It should hang in the UN -- teach them something
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Jeff, thanks for understanding that it was an important series for children that still can dream and hope,as they are receiving here a warm shoulder.


Donna, the children were choosing what to paint and the colors.White dove is a symbol. Thanks for reminding the UN that is not what its aim was when it was initially founded.There was a program here just recently about 2.500.000!!! children that were sold and are being abused in the prostitution "industry" 6, 7,8 years old as well It was chilling. where is the UN?


"Hanoar Haoved " is doing a great project helping these youth that are running to the country ( it passes from one to another and they are coming in ways no ways.)


Alberto Thanks, I don't use frame usually, but I have added one in respect to these children dreams and hopes.


Here is the starting point.

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Beautiful painting of the dream of children, to you peace and a Happy New Year, dear Pnina, congratulations for your labor of love. Mari
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Dear PN ina, I wanted to wish you all the best for 2010 and thank you for all you did ... this picture shows the warmth you have and give to people, dreams and hopes are the most important things in life


- with love Els

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Sky, a long time, and I'm glad to see you here. Thanks for stopping and commenting. I hope to see you more and my best wishes to you and your family.


Mari, thanks for your comment and wishes.I think that it is important, to try at least ,to help people in need.


Dear Elsi " dreams and hopes are the most important things in life ". You very well know it from your experience and well said . Especially for children that are in need .A lot of health and blessing to you too,Hugs.

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I've noted that it seems that the greatest outpourings of joy, love and human kindness often come from those most versed in struggle and hardship. This drawing is such a joyous expression of hope and happiness. I too will wish the best for these children of difficult lives.


All else aside, this is a well composed drawing and an uplifting photo. Thanks for sharing it with us.


If this were mine I might apply a slight gradient filter in Lightroom or PS to even out the light from top to bottom.

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Beautiful image, Pnina. A delight of drawings, words, colors and presentation. Excellent work & thanks for sharing. Warm regards
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Meaningful and powerful. Sometimes things make more sense if they are viewed through the simplicity of a child's eyes.
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Gord, thanks for your comments and your feelings, it was a very educating meeting for us with the youth that told us about their life before and now, and the development of this painting, I thought that the lighted upper part and the lower shadowed one are telling metaphorically the way they have passed, not only their dreams and hopes . Their shadowed past( which is still a problem for some of them as their families are in danger) and better future . Still I have lighted it a tad please let me know if you find it better, thanks for your time.


Jack, yes computers as well....they were exposed to what they can do with it......


Ektor, thanks, no they are not from Gaza they are from many countries in Africa, running to save their life.


David, thanks for your feedback and comments. I'm only a kind of "mediator".


Adan, they did not have regular life and studies until they were adopted here. It is so natural what they are dreaming and hoping for.

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When I made my comment I had suspicions that there was going to be some philosophical explanation for the uneven lighting. I fear that the metaphor escaped me.


What I had meant was that the drawing had been lit from above and that the top was a tiny bit too bright and the bottom a tiny bit dark. I had not meant to suggest that you lighten the entire image rather to balance the light. Knowing now that you find the light fall off an apt metaphor my point becomes mute. However I will attach an example of what I had meant for the sake of clarity.

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I have had the metaphor in my mind, but I like your version ! and I will do it , I think that you are right that it is more even your way.In CS4 the gradient changes the painting to B/W , I will find out how to do it next week( I have a lesson in PS). Thanks for your answer, example, advice and help.
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I used the graduated filter in Lightroom and then did some slight touching up with the adjustment brush.


I did understand your metaphor once you explained it. Sometimes I get caught up in the nuts and bolts of things and miss the subtler points.

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I use PS and I don't have lightroom. Thanks for your explanation I need to check the graduate function in my next week lesson.Thanks for your follow up.
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Do I comment on the insight and merit of this fine photographer or Jeff's "oodles". A child escaping from genocide to a country accused of genocide. A child escaping hate, comes to the country most hated. A refugee taken in by a country itself born of refugees. Just some of the oodles. If too polictical I will delete.
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Well said! don't delete! I'm glad you have joined Jeff. Sad reality but we do what our conscience tells us to do.
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This is all about documentary photography I like...record life (even problems) in a respectful way, capturing or letting people express what they feel, create a respect and interest from the viewer...I like when the photographer (unintrusively) is underneath the human...
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There is something special about the wisdom that children express. They go right to the heart of things. Fortunately, they haven't been affected by all the excess baggage and nonsense that usually accompanies "maturation". Your title is perfect.



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It is amazing how many thoughts and ideas one perfectly picked drawing can generate. It was quite an experience reading them. Pnina - thank you very much for initiating this fascinating discussion.
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Laurent ,Michael and Andrew


These are nice evaluations of this documentary photo, which is a part of a series that deals with the refugees children, their joys and pains, their past and future. And their dreams.Your evaluations enabled me to know that the message went through by the painting and title, It is much appreciated.


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