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Plain of Beret


Handheld. Levels and selective colours corrected, USM applied and, finally, desaturated in PS 6.0


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Muy buena, Alberto. Se masca el relieve y la profundidad.Además veo que sobrevivistes al riego de quedarte congelado.
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Another great shot Alberto! The reflection of the sun is a wonderful highlight and the lines lead me right through the shot. Well done!
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Beautiful, perfect composition, love the shape of the land and the sun reflection.

Una maravilla Alberto.Una de mis favoritas sin duda.Estuve en 2002 en baqueira con mi camara y no consegui ninguna buena foto.



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Nice shot - one question regarding the equipment: was it taken with Leica as the image border signature says or a Nikon, as mentioned in the image properties@photo.net? Looks more like a 28mm shot, that's why I'm asking...
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Thanks Costin for spotting the mistake. I forgot to correct that caption. Actually, I checked the slide before submitting and quite a while after including the border caption.

The pity is that the system now does not allow to resubmit a corrected file!

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No Alberto, desde luego que no debías dejar de incluir el reflejo del sol, de hecho es lo que hace interesante esta foto. El sol está ahí, pero no "directamente". Me pregunto cómo habría quedado con un filtro rojo.
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Very nice. To me it has both a very quiet feeling and dynamism at the same time. It's quiet because the lake is very still, there's nobody in sight, and it's cold (I have some experience that tells me that when it's cold it tends to be quiet :) But then it is dynamic how the lines of the photo guide you. Specially the convergence of the lines that conform the mountain (both the base and the slope that goes from the top on the right to the left) with the lines of the lake, that takes this curve to the left. Probably the lake did not have that shape (completely, I mean; this is just part of it) but you managed to take it in this way, making all the lines agree!


Then, I don't think you should have avoided the sun reflection. Like Charo has said, the sun is there but just indirectly. It works much better like this than having the sun itself in the sky or having no sun at all, real or reflected.


As a sort of reply to Charo's question, regarding the result of using a red filter, Alberto can still make that. For what I have seen in the technical details, this was originally a colour image desaturated in Photoshop. If instead of desaturating you take only the red channel, copy it and paste it to a new image, for example, voilá!, you have the same effect as using a red filter. Playing with this, giving more importance to some channels over others, you can get the filter that you want...


And just another thing, if Costin reads this it would be nice to know if what he mentions to do in order to change the image works as of today. I've been trying to replace some images in my folder and I do the "Edit Image" -> Browse thing, then submit, but that just worsens the case: it takes the size information from the new image, but displays the old image, distorted because it uses the size information of the new one. This happened to me in a couple of pictures which now have jagged lines... anybody else had this problem? (maybe this is not the place to ask, anyway).


Sorry for taking so much space here to say little, in the end :)


Saludos y sigue enseñándonos fotos tan bonitas como ésta!!

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1- On Edit Image Info: It is not possible to do it right now. There is a problem in the server and it has not been fixed as yet. The bug is known by Brian (see this thread at the Help and Feedback Forum: http://www.photo.net/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=004TbG)

2- On the Sun in this image:Actually, in the original slide the sun is very much into the frame (you should notice that the size od the uploaded image is not a 35 mm size). I thought it would work better this way.

3- On red Filter:I did play with selective colours before desaturating. I would, in any case, play with Marcelo's suggestion to see what I can get.

Thanks to all of you, my friends, for the support and the encouragement!

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I like the reflection in the frame and the actual sun out of it Alberto. This is very good. Nice tones and I like the composition as well. Good job.
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Indeed! This is one the two best ski resorts in Spain. We went there for a couple of weeks of skiing holidays. You can see that we did some other activities apart from skiing...
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Alberto, you have such a great eye! Your composition, content, and technical quality are always impecable... You really are a very good artist!
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Harsh lighting. Because this picture is underexposed a bit, I question if I'm looking at snow. I still like it. Unique composition.
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Le reflet du soleil, non seulement me semble indispensable mais fonctionne à la perfection. Je ne sais pas expliquer l'effet qu'il provoque mais c'est sublime. 7/7
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