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Rise and Shine


early morning by the lake-front

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Hi Tom,

I wish I was a pro photographer so I could give you some great advice and comments, but I am only a student so I'll offer my personal opinion.

I like the angle that you shot this photo.(Made me think of camping in the great outdoors.)

The only change that I would make would be to crop a little off the bottom. Beautiful! :)

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Does it mean it sucks? No. It means it's average. There are hundreds (thousands?) of photos uploaded every day and a limited number of people wiling to write a comment. The really good ones get comments and sometimes the really bad ones. The ones in the middle tend to fall through the cracks.


This is a pretty photo, but most sunrise/sunsets are. There just isn't anything there to make it really stand out. It's hard to make an outstanding photo who's main subject is the colour of the sky. I've got a ton of average sunset photos to show that. :)


So don't get discouraged by the lack of comments. Just keep shooting and keep posting until you get something that can grab the attention of those elusive few commentors.


Ok, enough general advice. What about the photo? One thing I've found is that you either need to have something really interesting as a sillouette or have details in the shadows. Getting details in the shadows during a sunset is damn hard, so I've started looking for interesting sillouettes. :) Plants, unfortunately, usually don't cut it.


Another thing is that the plants are growing right out of the frame. If you'd moved the camera up a bit to lose the featureless ground and catch the top of the plants, I think you'd have had a stronger photo.


All in all, what you have here is a pretty photo but not a "Wow!" photo. Keep looking at those sunrises/sunsets and see if you can find something as pretty as the colours to pair with them.

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