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© No Use Without Written Permission

Faith 1997


PhotoShopped Duotone of Faith


© No Use Without Written Permission

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This is Faith, a young lady that asked me to take her photo outside a

Pow Wow where her boyfriend was dancing. I wish now that I used a

longer lens as her nose & lips are distorted. This is the first time

I attempted to duotone something. I really like it, the process can

give a rather nice effect.

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Hi Jim...I don't know if you got my email or not. I did receive one from you regarding the comment I left here yesterday. If you could email me again with your phone number, I would be glad to call you so we can work out things.

As I'm thinking somehow my email to you won't go through as you never responded to them! Thanks Jim.

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Hi Jim....I replied to your last email and I haven't heard from you, so I'm thinking your email server isn't taking my emails. Could you kindly email me as I can receive yours and send me your phone number and best times to call? I mean I'd write mine here but I don't want the world to know! :) If I don't hear back I will assume you don't want to go through with our arrangement. And if that is the reason then I thank you, it's been nice working with ya! Regards, Lori
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Hi Jim:


The subject may not be quite as quirky as Spoonman or Snakeman,but the portrait is equally as powerful in its own way. Especially the eyes. What eyes! Reminds me of our killer cat.


The duotone isn't apparent -- maybe the mid-tonesare a little richer than the usual B&W, but it's very subtle. There's also the faintest magenta cast, but I'm using an iMac at the moment, so that's probably just the uncallibrated (and uncallibrateable) monitor. It could also be that the sun is rising in the bay window behind the monitor and my retina is getting cooked.


Thanks again for your opinions on the IS lens. I've got to find a way to lighten my travel bag -- this may be it!


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I don't usually comment on portraits since I have a lot less experience shooting them . . . . but you asked :-)


I'm curious about the lead up to this shot. She asked you to photograph her !? Did she want a print? She's certainly very attractive and photogenic.


I don't find the use of the short lens to be a problem. Her nose is not too large to begin with and large lips are mostly an asset.


The duotone reminds me of the unintended bluish cast I've often seen on B&W inkjet prints, but maybe that's an unfair negative association.


The framing throws me off a bit. The dark left side unbalances the composition, her right eye is dead center, and the bits of hair on the right edge draw the eye. I notice you like to crop very tight, but for me the chin here creates a merge with the bottom.



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I like this photo. an interesting face.

Maybe I would have put some of her hair over the right cheek, to make it optically slimmer... ;-))


Thanks for your comment to my "Soul mates"



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As soon as I have time I think I'll follow this with a bit of a missive of how and why this shot turned out the way it did...

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I see what you're dealing with, I think. Blown out sky, but a gorgeous head of hair. I like the 8X10
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