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Along Lothlorien Paths


Canon 5DmkII

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This is along a creek in the Jackson State Redwood Forest in

Mendocino County California. I was on my way to the Mendocino coast

and the light was fantastic as I was going thru the redwoods so I had to

stop. This was one of the few times when I can say that aside some

very minor tweaks, this is pretty much straight out of the camera. It's all

about the light.

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my opinion is that to a viewer that is not emotionally attached to this photo, it doesn't say much. The photo is quite busy while nothing stands out as an object of interest. While I could call the photo "pleasant", it would come from my emotional projection, because I like hiking and have come across scenes like this before. Cheers, Micheal
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Jeff, as you said, it's all about the light. I can see Micheal's perspective, but I am from the camp that if an image speaks to you, no subject or point of interest is necessary (like Ansel Adams said "either the photograph speaks to a viewer or it does not"). For sure, this image may not speak to some, but I have seen many an image with a point of interest that don't speak as loudly as this does for me. The main thing is that the scene spoke to you and asked to have it's picture taken and you responded with enthusiasm. I'm glad you did!
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Let's talk about this a moment. While I agree, in general, with all that Mark has said; and I fully understand your initial thoughts about this image, Jeff; I do think Micheal is on to something here. First, let me say that I love the composition, and the exposure is brilliant; especially the way those few little yellow leaves garner the viewer's attention (and the tree with the moss is sweet). Now, having said that, I personally think the comp can be improved somewhat. I'd crop the left side to just a bit to the right of the drooping down leafless branch. What that does is now use the diagonal of the water and the light on the ferns to gently guide the viewer's eyes up the creek to the glowing misty conditions in the background; and, Jeff, I'll bet that is what you intended all along. I think that crop really makes your title even fit even more sublimely - it just feels like something out of Tolkien's magical world. Just my two cents. Well done, Jeff! Cheers! Chris
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Sometimes the scene as a whole is what I see. There may not be a specific subject or focal point but the way the scene comes together as a whole. We've all had shots where we have an interesting subject and perhaps perfect composition but other elements like harsh light and/or cloudless ho-hum sky might be enough to simply walk away from the shot.

I took several comps from here. Here's a couple:

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Good stuff here! Re 'Comp #2' - you might consider a crop up from the bottom, creating a near-square format; that's a mighty powerful image too. 'Comp #3' is very close to what I was alluding to. These are really very beautiful, Jeff; each of 'em. Well seen, Amigo! Cheers! Chris
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