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meat, cheese ,bread,knife, France 2008


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DO images sometimes come up for in unexpected shapes, sizes and

configurations; not like you set up the shot, more like where did that

come from? That's not the way I shoot? This is one of those for me.

Something about it I like, something that makes it hard to just say

forget it,and walk away ( I've got plenty of projects), I want to keep

tweaking it till it works-

your thoughts?


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Thanks "3" guy. Hitting it with the double "3's" and drifting away is not moving this forward in any direction I can use. I don't care if you hate it or not. Not what I'm getting at here


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it's french food, which you've totally NOT made ugly; you've captured french food in the raw, which is just as wonderful as french food in the prepared dish. For me, this picture works as a sort of reverential abstract of french food in the raw; and i dig it so much that i wish the picture were bigger, more inclusive of your subjects, which could maybe transform it into a still life. You haven't distorted the food, you've caught a cool angle that makes it look strange, and french ; ) dp

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