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Jurassic Light

ian cameron

The Quiraing, Skye, Scotland Skye is notorious for its fickle and inclement weather but it is equally famous for is quality of lighting on the rare occasions the sun finds a way through the cloud base that seems to permanently hang over the cliffs around Trotternish. Dawn had been pleasant enough without being particularly stunning but shortly after we were treated to some exceptional lemon sunlight raking beneath blue tinged clouds and slamming into the velvet green hills. That was good enough but for the briefest of periods the light left the immediate foreground and concentrated its attention on the valley floor the juxtaposition of lit to unlit and the amazing light quality produced a truly world class performance which I was very grateful to capture on film. Please View LARGEPentax 67 II ,55-100 zoom,Fujichrome Velvia 0.6ND grad, polariser backed off to 50% effect. The grad was hand held and rotated at an angle during the exposure to curve the grad line, f/22 at 1.5 seconds.

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Lemon sunlight splashes over the valley slopes of the Quiraing, Skye,

Scotland just leaving the edge of the cliff in soft sunlight.

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I wish I could practice enough to be this lucky... :-) Rotating the ND grad to soften the transition - great idea, thank you for sharing your technical info, Ian.
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Outstanding, the lighting is really bringing the detail out in the grasses on the side of the hill (even at this size) way into the distance. The immediate foreground doesn't quite compare with the grandeur of the rest of the scene but i think it flows very well.




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Ian, this is superb. I just wish that I had seen light like this when I was on Skye in September. It's amazing how the few trees that are around turn up in images. Their starkness seems to fit well in the surroundings.
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Stunning light and conditions. The little bit of haze adds some great mood IMO and the sky colours are perfect.




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Wonderful light. I like how the image almost has two halves: one green and crisp, the other brown and misty, yet together they tell the story of a landscape changing as the sun moves across the sky. It really is quite beautiful.
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