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Akaka Falls, Big Island


Climbed over the railing, standing on the edge to catch the bottom of this falls. This entire park is very green and relaxing. Taken on the East side of the Big Isle. www.hawaiianphotos.net

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What is the trick for getting good waterfall shots? What time of day was this taken? I took some this week and they came out VERY dark even though it was a sunny day.
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Thanks for all the comments. This image is one of the better sellers...simple yet colorful, I guess people like that.


Regina; I have found more success shooting waterfalls on overcast days. The reason, so it appears to me anyway, is that the sun makes the falls very bright...(almost too much) the camera reads this very bright thing and it adjusts accordingly. I have noticed the same with sunsets. When the sun is not covered by clouds or not below the horizon, the camera will often work against me and darken the entire image....unless I am using a graduated filter. Even then, sometimes it still misreads. I would shoot on an overcast day, or if you must shoot in the sun, would bracket extensively. Hope this helps. Thanks again!

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I was just looking at the following picture elsewhere:


... and I suddenly recalled I had seen something similar long ago in your portfolio... Here it is... I'd be interested to see what you have to say about the difference - pros and cons - of each of the 2 versions of the same subject. I'll be asking exactly the same question to Walter... may be interesting... Then I'll join in if you wish, and tell you what my thoughts were as I saw both pictures again next to each other, today...

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I read Walt's comment and certainly see his point of view. If you are sincere Marc (no reason to believe otherwise, right?) then I'd say that the differences between the two images make it quite difficult to compare. His is a much wider view than mine giving the viewer much more of an idea of what this location is really like. You get a better sense of the environment in his. Mine on the other hand is much more limited in that sense, but instead brings the viewer closer into the scene of the waterfall. Mine may be lacking some sharpness since this was taken hand-held in my earlier years with my lesser expensive equipment. But even that issue seems to work in its favor because of the type of image here.



Here is an attachment of a not yet edited version from the same spot with a tripod and slower shutter. I still think this original one is aesthetically more appealing because the viewer is drawn into the waterfall, where more of the important feature is waiting. Walt's was also taken on print film, mine was captured with Velvia. Velvia of course will give the image a bit more color. I would put either versions on my wall. In fact the version posted here is one of our better selling images on the Big Island. Look forward to seeing your comments. Aloha.



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Another great one, Vince. The perspective makes it look as if the water is going into a much narrower cylindrically-shaped hole. I think that the emotional impact is definitely more forceful with the posted version, but aesthetically they are a dead heat to me.
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Hello. Given Walter's reply on his page, I think we'll keep it short and simple. Indeed I noticed a certain softness in your picture. I also agree that walter's picture shows more context. Another thing I found interesting in Walter's shot was the fact that the eye falls litterally INSIDE this hole. Regards.
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it would be intersting to sell both pictures beside each other and see which one sells the best. I wonder which one it would be? In this world there are places that require us to be dumb to make bad pictures of them and this is one place like that. there are difernces between the two pictues by Walther and by Vincent but who cares what the difrences are! They are both fine pictures and they show the wateralls. Wlaters looks more scale.
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Vincent, Thought it time to pay another visit. Good to see you still find time in your busy schedule to stay active here. A bonus for all of us. The significance of your new post is lost on me as I don't recall the original being faulty. If I were to drop some cash in your lap it would be for this version. This is a very intimate portrait of the falls while the other gives precedence to general area. I prefer intimate portraits. I was wondering what a slightly higher camera viewpoint would accomplish in the area at the bottom of the falls. I think it would reveal more detail there but the downside of that is the removal of any element of mystery surrounding it. Gotta keep a little back. Keep them begging for more. Beautiful colours and range of tones, elements which would suffer under high ratio lighting. Good decision to wait for overcast as the highlights on the water are under pressure even so. Keep safe. Best, LM
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Thanks Len for stopping by. Yes, I have been busy improving my portfolio, rescanning certain images or just improving through some re-editing with the newer Photoshop capabilities unavailable when I first worked on these. Plus I have much more experience now than before. A few tweaks can make a noticable difference at times.


In this image, I have already hopped over the railing and am standing with feet on the very edge itself. Any further and you could be attending my funeral. There is no waterfall blur because there was no room for a tripod. When I first started shooting, I would often take some fairly significant risks just to "get the shot". Nowadays, I usually look for safer angles than what this called for. Though the last time I was here, I still hopped over. But did not get to the edge of the edge. I'd like to think I am smarter nowadays...


But who are we kidding...


PS- Send me an address, I will ship you a print of this on me. You have been great to have visit, as you have done many times. Your opinions have always been helpful and appreciated Len!

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