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I wanted to do an abstract portrait of my wife. I wanted it to be creative and memorable. I was fascinated by water drop reflections. So used a window screen over her portrait. This was on the cover of CAMERA CANADA in 1999


50mm reveresed plus 2 ewxtension tubes. 8 seconds @f22

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I think that the problem here is not in the image, or in whatever the photographer knew about the ORIGINAL of 1957 or not. Its in the fact that it was actualy voted POW by the photographic community of photo.net and others (author mentions this image winning several other awards). It is amazing how ignorant thousnds of photographers can be. History of photography should not start at the moment you have picked up a camera for the first time. Shouldn't we be just a little bit curious about works of other masters?
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POW is not voted by the whole community of "thousands" of photographers... It is selected by a limited number of persons, named "elves".


For what concerns ignorance, most of us are here to learn. From this point of view this POW was very useful.

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Some pelople have said that they get no feeling from this picture, or that it doesn´t communicate anything to them. At first, I felt uneasy with this picture (I usually don´t like distorted images). Then reading all the comments about its originality (or lack thereof) I went back and took a good look at it. And it seemed to me that its originality stems from the fact that the photographer intended to make a portrait of his wife, a very close person to him, I suppose (the other picture shown above with the same technique has a political satatement feeling to it).

Let´s see:

The picture is upside down (unless his wife agreed to stay in a very awkward position for a couple of hours).

The "real" subject is completely out of focus.

There is an object that patially obstructs his view of the subject.

There are about 2 dozen distorted images of the main subject in the picture.

It may not be a very realistic portrait of his wife, but it certainly is a wonderful artistic view of her.

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I used to come here quite frequently to learn about photography and exchange ideas. Now I just come every few months when I want to watch people critiquing someone elses critique of another persons comment.


I know it's difficult for some people to chew through their leather restraining straps each morning but .... sheesh!

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This is a terrific idea, which has been well executed to say the least. I am sorry to see the negative criticism by some. To me, it's nothing more then an indication of envy by those who could not accomplish the same thing. WELL DONE!
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Very cool! I am always looking for something like this to photograph, I wish I had found it before you!

Great Photo!!

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I think people are being harsh. I am very new to photography. I love it but have inherited my father's "no imagination" gene. I find it very hard to think up new ideas for pictures so feel I can't push my new skills to the test.

This picture inspired me to copy it. On a personal level it is a great picture for your own portfolio and will impress friends and family alike. On a business level, many of you point out it has been done before. So it isn't going to make a fortune but if you look at all art out there whether it be paintings or music, it all ends up being similar, the longer it has been around.

I say excellent photo. :o)

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i'm not into abstract,tho i love jazz (listening & playing). but this pic of yours really make me smile.thanks for sharing,,pc


P.S. please do some more.

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